
Yard messy - me not so happy

So Adrianna (our landlady) and her boyfriend came by tonight to clean up after the roofer... but they were working in the dark for half of the time and when I went out a few minutes ago to put Gizmo in his pen (y'know for the pooping etc) I still see a lot of debri - most of it small, but to Gizmo I bet all of it looks super tasty... especially those lovely 2" nails scattered about!!

I'm not such a happy camper right now - I was really hoping that I'd be able to let Gizmo run around the yard again, but since he eats anything he can fit in his face (yes even rocks too... ) I can't until we clean up the yard again (front and back).

Some good news - our roof does look very nice and Adrianna said the roofer would be back to put the gutters back up on Saturday!!

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