

This morning we decided to have a trial run at something new with the puppy... Instead of putting him in his crate with a pee pad, his bed and some toys - we thought we'd try letting him roam free around the livingroom (the only non-carpeted place in our house other than the basement and bathrooms). We set up two pee pads and made sure he had lots of toys and chews, then to the astonishment of the Puppy (he really did look cunfuzzled) we closed the mudroom door and left the house.

Came home a few minutes ago... I was expecting to find poop and pee everywhere and at least one or two things destroyed... there was some poop, but it had been flung off of a pee pad and he did chew up one of his pee pads (the sticky ones aren't so sticky akshully!!) he couldn't chew up the other one because we got this cool holder (its too big for the crate though). His water and food dishes were empty but really there were no huge messes to clean up!! Congrats to Gizmo... we'll try again tomorrow and see if he improves or makes more mess!

Wish us luck!

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