

Its been 7 years since the 9/11 attacks and still every September 11th the news and radio relives and refreshes everyone's memories of the event. When do we stop looking back at the past and start living for the future again?

I admit that I've moved on and that might be because I was in Calgary at work the morning of 9/11 and it didn't really hit home for me because I didn't know anyone who was on the hijacked flights or in the Twin Towers. I was saddened by it and I suppose if I had someone who had died or been injured in the attack, or lived in NY it probably would have been harder for me to get over. Yes - terrorism is bad but isn't the War that ensued because of 9/11 worse? 9/11 claimed over 6000 innocent lives... The War on Terrorism has claimed much more than that - men, women, children and so many soldiers - and it is still going on... How many more have to die until 'revenge' is fulfilled?

It's bad enough that every year the radio and news reminds us all but when companies put up advertisements selling coins etc. that have been minted from silver retrieved from Ground Zero... that bothers me... There are people out there that are profiting from this trajedy and that really gets my goat!

I know people are morbid by nature - they want a souvenier of events like 9/11, they want to feel like they are a part of it... but its kind of sick at the same time.

We have to learn from our mistakes, but we also have to move on... Its been 7 years, I think its time.

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