
Looking into the incredible glass bubble

So, I haven't posted about this subject because I was waiting until I could surprise my family and my in-laws... So here it is... I got my learner's permit in August and now I am the one behind the wheel of our car!! That's right... watch out for me Alberta!! I'm A Driving Maniac - well without the reckless driving part!

On to my stories... two out of many on this engrossing subject of driving.

Story Number One: Incredible Multi Tasking. I was driving to work the other morning, Chris was in the passenger seat calmly eating his morning breakfast bar and sipping his coffee (thoroughly enjoying being a passenger on our commute), we stopped at a red light behind this little two door red number (I'm not that good at remembering the make and model of cars...). I'm looking at the driver ahead of me while patiently waiting for the light to go green, the lady inside decides a red light is just the perfect opportunity to fix her face... She starts putting on lipstick and notices that the light went green... so instead of stopping the lipstick application, she proceeds to drive through the intersection WHILE putting on her lipstick... I giggled a little - she barely stayed in her lane and didn't hold up traffic too much... but seriously! Its people like her that keep the female driver stereotype going strong!

Story Number Two: Speed Limits and Digging for Gold. So I'm driving to work a couple weeks ago and I normally stay within 5 km's of the speed limit and I've probably annoyed quite a few people who like to go a lot faster but have gotten stuck behind me... I usually laugh and tell them (into the rear view mirror) that they can feel free to pass me - after all... I am doing the speed limit and there IS another lane to use... This works just fine when I'm the one infront... I learned this very quickly that morning when for some reason I got stuck behind someone who was doing 40 in a 60 zone and who slowed down to 35 in a 50 zone... I have to admit that I got fairly frustrated that this person couldn't even do the speed limit!! And the kicker... I couldn't pass him because I needed that lane and traffic in the other lane was incredibly thick... On top of that... since I was following pretty close behind I could see him digging away for gold - not a kleenex in sight... Ewwwww Gross! Finally he turned and I was able to speed up to a luxurious 50km (and annoy the people behind me) LOL.
Moral of the day... You may be locked inside that car thinking you're in your own private bubble... and you're right, but your bubble is made out of glass and the world can see you too!

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