I spend a lot of time in my craft room slash office and right now my desk is an old dining room table, my storage area comprises a three piece old entertainment unit set and 5 rack metal shelving unit. I seriously need to find or create (IKEA) a new workstation... I have so much stuff but I can't access it easily enough... a lot of stuff is still in boxes because I have no where to put it. I really need to think about going to IKEA - they have a make your own desk area
Drool... IKEA is one of my favorite places to lose 4-5 hours and have the awesomest meatballs ever!!
If you hold everything inside you it ends up festering and exploding in your face later. It's a much better idea to let it out into the world where you can see it from many different angles. That's what this blog is for me. There will be happy, sad, mad and weird posts here. Sometimes regularly, sometimes not.
Christmas is 3 months away... Does that scare anyone else? I think this year will be a little weird for me, but in a good way! We are having Christmas at our house this year! Every other year we've split our Christmas time between my family and Chris' family and its really hard and stressful and we have to put our kitties in a kennel while we're away - so its hard on them too. Now we have Gizmo too and we'd be able to take him to my in-laws place but not to my family since my sister has really bad allergies. So this year we decided to start (or try) a rotation - this year we'll stay home, next year we'll go to one family and the year after that we'll go to the other family... then start the cycle again. I really hope it works out - I'm looking forward to starting our own holiday traditions - Chris, Me and the four legged critterz!
I'm going to make a special Christmas dinner for Chris and me and something neat for Tigger, Jade and Gizmo. We're going to put up our tree (haven't done that in quite a few years) and decorate our house - maybe even put lights up outside! I'm getting so excited!! I plan on baking and doing all of the corny holiday stuff like caroling and making eggnog and doing stockings (we have a fireplace so we can really hang them!!).
I just wonder how to keep 3 critterz away from the Christmas tree?
oh... here are some pictures of the critterz!
I'm going to make a special Christmas dinner for Chris and me and something neat for Tigger, Jade and Gizmo. We're going to put up our tree (haven't done that in quite a few years) and decorate our house - maybe even put lights up outside! I'm getting so excited!! I plan on baking and doing all of the corny holiday stuff like caroling and making eggnog and doing stockings (we have a fireplace so we can really hang them!!).
I just wonder how to keep 3 critterz away from the Christmas tree?
oh... here are some pictures of the critterz!
Day 3 - Free Range Puppy-Power!!!
Day 3 - its getting a lot colder in the mornings, but Giz always does his biz for me in the mornings! In fact anytime I bring him to his pen outside (we still haven't gotten all of the roofer debri from the yard cleaned up yet) he does at least one if not both biz's. Poor Chris, can't usually get Gizmo to poop for him. LOL... I think Giz knows that if he waits long enough, Chris will just bring him inside again - He knows I will wait a lot longer and he should just go as quickly as possible so we both can go inside again!! Plus I think I praise him better!!
But that was a tangent...
Giz was awesome again last night, we got to sleep in... so much so that we really had to rush to get ready and out the door on time. I think Gizmo is getting used to being a free range doggie during the day! He definately didn't look cunfuzzled this morning when we left... it was almost like he was saying 'ok humanz get out and let me playz the dayz away!'
Came home and no mess... Poop still on the pee pad (not eaten!!!!!) no mess anywhere... no chewed up pee pad!! Giz U Rock!!! I took him outside and (so cute) he scrunched down for a poop and only a tiny little kernel came out - he looked a little cunfuzzled but I praised him anyway - afterall I want him to learn that outside is for the poop and pee and that the sooner he does them the sooner he can come back in - that will be especially important when it starts freezing outside...
Speaking of Freezing - this winter is going to be interesting! It'll be our first Christmas at home (normally we travel to Linden and Calgary) and we'll have two kitties and a puppy around... maybe I should find a barrier for our tree?
But that was a tangent...
Giz was awesome again last night, we got to sleep in... so much so that we really had to rush to get ready and out the door on time. I think Gizmo is getting used to being a free range doggie during the day! He definately didn't look cunfuzzled this morning when we left... it was almost like he was saying 'ok humanz get out and let me playz the dayz away!'
Came home and no mess... Poop still on the pee pad (not eaten!!!!!) no mess anywhere... no chewed up pee pad!! Giz U Rock!!! I took him outside and (so cute) he scrunched down for a poop and only a tiny little kernel came out - he looked a little cunfuzzled but I praised him anyway - afterall I want him to learn that outside is for the poop and pee and that the sooner he does them the sooner he can come back in - that will be especially important when it starts freezing outside...
Speaking of Freezing - this winter is going to be interesting! It'll be our first Christmas at home (normally we travel to Linden and Calgary) and we'll have two kitties and a puppy around... maybe I should find a barrier for our tree?
Roaming... Day 2
Day two of Gizmo's free range daytime adventure...
Gave Giz another nylabone and a couple rawhide chews this morning. He looked a little less cunfuzzled when we left him to roam free.
Came home and No messes at all!!! Both pee pads were well used but they were left unchewed!!! YAY! I suspect he eats his poop when we're not there to clean it up - but I'm told thats not entirely strange behavior. I still think its gross when he burps and you get this horrible whiff of partly digested poo.
We still put him in his kennel at night for sleeping and he seems to be sleeping better and not whining as soon as the alarms go off. We actually got to sleep in!!
Fingers crossed everybody!! We'll try this for the rest of the week and see how it goes... Maybe Giz will be a free range puppy soon!! Poor kittehz... the Gizonator will be able to chase you all around the house soon...
Gave Giz another nylabone and a couple rawhide chews this morning. He looked a little less cunfuzzled when we left him to roam free.
Came home and No messes at all!!! Both pee pads were well used but they were left unchewed!!! YAY! I suspect he eats his poop when we're not there to clean it up - but I'm told thats not entirely strange behavior. I still think its gross when he burps and you get this horrible whiff of partly digested poo.
We still put him in his kennel at night for sleeping and he seems to be sleeping better and not whining as soon as the alarms go off. We actually got to sleep in!!
Fingers crossed everybody!! We'll try this for the rest of the week and see how it goes... Maybe Giz will be a free range puppy soon!! Poor kittehz... the Gizonator will be able to chase you all around the house soon...
This morning we decided to have a trial run at something new with the puppy... Instead of putting him in his crate with a pee pad, his bed and some toys - we thought we'd try letting him roam free around the livingroom (the only non-carpeted place in our house other than the basement and bathrooms). We set up two pee pads and made sure he had lots of toys and chews, then to the astonishment of the Puppy (he really did look cunfuzzled) we closed the mudroom door and left the house.
Came home a few minutes ago... I was expecting to find poop and pee everywhere and at least one or two things destroyed... there was some poop, but it had been flung off of a pee pad and he did chew up one of his pee pads (the sticky ones aren't so sticky akshully!!) he couldn't chew up the other one because we got this cool holder (its too big for the crate though). His water and food dishes were empty but really there were no huge messes to clean up!! Congrats to Gizmo... we'll try again tomorrow and see if he improves or makes more mess!
Wish us luck!
Came home a few minutes ago... I was expecting to find poop and pee everywhere and at least one or two things destroyed... there was some poop, but it had been flung off of a pee pad and he did chew up one of his pee pads (the sticky ones aren't so sticky akshully!!) he couldn't chew up the other one because we got this cool holder (its too big for the crate though). His water and food dishes were empty but really there were no huge messes to clean up!! Congrats to Gizmo... we'll try again tomorrow and see if he improves or makes more mess!
Wish us luck!
Looking into the incredible glass bubble
So, I haven't posted about this subject because I was waiting until I could surprise my family and my in-laws... So here it is... I got my learner's permit in August and now I am the one behind the wheel of our car!! That's right... watch out for me Alberta!! I'm A Driving Maniac - well without the reckless driving part!
On to my stories... two out of many on this engrossing subject of driving.
Story Number One: Incredible Multi Tasking. I was driving to work the other morning, Chris was in the passenger seat calmly eating his morning breakfast bar and sipping his coffee (thoroughly enjoying being a passenger on our commute), we stopped at a red light behind this little two door red number (I'm not that good at remembering the make and model of cars...). I'm looking at the driver ahead of me while patiently waiting for the light to go green, the lady inside decides a red light is just the perfect opportunity to fix her face... She starts putting on lipstick and notices that the light went green... so instead of stopping the lipstick application, she proceeds to drive through the intersection WHILE putting on her lipstick... I giggled a little - she barely stayed in her lane and didn't hold up traffic too much... but seriously! Its people like her that keep the female driver stereotype going strong!
Story Number Two: Speed Limits and Digging for Gold. So I'm driving to work a couple weeks ago and I normally stay within 5 km's of the speed limit and I've probably annoyed quite a few people who like to go a lot faster but have gotten stuck behind me... I usually laugh and tell them (into the rear view mirror) that they can feel free to pass me - after all... I am doing the speed limit and there IS another lane to use... This works just fine when I'm the one infront... I learned this very quickly that morning when for some reason I got stuck behind someone who was doing 40 in a 60 zone and who slowed down to 35 in a 50 zone... I have to admit that I got fairly frustrated that this person couldn't even do the speed limit!! And the kicker... I couldn't pass him because I needed that lane and traffic in the other lane was incredibly thick... On top of that... since I was following pretty close behind I could see him digging away for gold - not a kleenex in sight... Ewwwww Gross! Finally he turned and I was able to speed up to a luxurious 50km (and annoy the people behind me) LOL.
Moral of the day... You may be locked inside that car thinking you're in your own private bubble... and you're right, but your bubble is made out of glass and the world can see you too!
On to my stories... two out of many on this engrossing subject of driving.
Story Number One: Incredible Multi Tasking. I was driving to work the other morning, Chris was in the passenger seat calmly eating his morning breakfast bar and sipping his coffee (thoroughly enjoying being a passenger on our commute), we stopped at a red light behind this little two door red number (I'm not that good at remembering the make and model of cars...). I'm looking at the driver ahead of me while patiently waiting for the light to go green, the lady inside decides a red light is just the perfect opportunity to fix her face... She starts putting on lipstick and notices that the light went green... so instead of stopping the lipstick application, she proceeds to drive through the intersection WHILE putting on her lipstick... I giggled a little - she barely stayed in her lane and didn't hold up traffic too much... but seriously! Its people like her that keep the female driver stereotype going strong!
Story Number Two: Speed Limits and Digging for Gold. So I'm driving to work a couple weeks ago and I normally stay within 5 km's of the speed limit and I've probably annoyed quite a few people who like to go a lot faster but have gotten stuck behind me... I usually laugh and tell them (into the rear view mirror) that they can feel free to pass me - after all... I am doing the speed limit and there IS another lane to use... This works just fine when I'm the one infront... I learned this very quickly that morning when for some reason I got stuck behind someone who was doing 40 in a 60 zone and who slowed down to 35 in a 50 zone... I have to admit that I got fairly frustrated that this person couldn't even do the speed limit!! And the kicker... I couldn't pass him because I needed that lane and traffic in the other lane was incredibly thick... On top of that... since I was following pretty close behind I could see him digging away for gold - not a kleenex in sight... Ewwwww Gross! Finally he turned and I was able to speed up to a luxurious 50km (and annoy the people behind me) LOL.
Moral of the day... You may be locked inside that car thinking you're in your own private bubble... and you're right, but your bubble is made out of glass and the world can see you too!
Baby Announcement Card
As promised, here is the card I made for my Sister-In-Law's new bundle of joy... (picture is a little crooked - darn scanner!!)

If you are a parent-to-be or know someone who is expecting, I am available to make affordable one of a kind, personalized cards. Contact me by email at misty1780@shaw.ca for more information.
Please know that it takes a lot of time, energy and creativity to make these cards and I would appreciate that if you are going to CASE/copy my designs that you please ask permission first. Thank you
no sleep + work = randomly passing out
I've been sitting at my work computer trying not to doze off... and then it happened... I had my elbow on the desk with my cheek in my hand... next thing I know, I've smacked myself because my elbow slipped off... at least it woke me up. I don't know if I can do this today - what happens if someone comes into my office and I'm face down on the desk drooling on my filing?
Ever been so tired that you get a thumping headache just by concentrating on not falling asleep? I'm there! I wish there was a door on my office - then I could lock it and take a nap in here! Oh well only 7.25 more hours left until I can sleep for 3.5 hours on the way to Calgary while holding a cuddly puppy!
Ever been so tired that you get a thumping headache just by concentrating on not falling asleep? I'm there! I wish there was a door on my office - then I could lock it and take a nap in here! Oh well only 7.25 more hours left until I can sleep for 3.5 hours on the way to Calgary while holding a cuddly puppy!
sleep? what's that?
My alarm is about to go off... but I'm not in bed, and I haven't been in there all night! I've been working on my sister-in-law's baby announcements all night... now I can barely see straight and I have to start getting ready for work and finish packing for our trip to Calgary to see the in-laws and our new nephew.
What was I thinking?
I'm not as young as I thought I was... I thought I could stay up all night and work all day and then drive to Calgary? Man, did I get whacked with the dumb stick today!
Off to work... this is going to be interesting!!
What was I thinking?
I'm not as young as I thought I was... I thought I could stay up all night and work all day and then drive to Calgary? Man, did I get whacked with the dumb stick today!
Off to work... this is going to be interesting!!
Remember when?
Remember when you could stay up all night finishing a school project and still be coherent and relatively intellegent the next day?
Remember when you could eat cake and ice cream for breakfast without feeling like yacking or getting indigestion?
Remember when working was something you did to pay for your weekend entertainments?
Remember going to bed at 9:30 pm because you were sick and not because you were tired?
Remember when you woke up whenever your eyes opened and sometimes even forcing yourself to sleep even longer?
Remember when it was better to be uncomfortable and bootylicious than comfortable and dowdy?
Those certainly were the good ol' days! Man I feel old today - I think it has something to do with the fact that I haven't gone to bed yet... I wonder if I'll get any sleep at all?
Remember when you could eat cake and ice cream for breakfast without feeling like yacking or getting indigestion?
Remember when working was something you did to pay for your weekend entertainments?
Remember going to bed at 9:30 pm because you were sick and not because you were tired?
Remember when you woke up whenever your eyes opened and sometimes even forcing yourself to sleep even longer?
Remember when it was better to be uncomfortable and bootylicious than comfortable and dowdy?
Those certainly were the good ol' days! Man I feel old today - I think it has something to do with the fact that I haven't gone to bed yet... I wonder if I'll get any sleep at all?
Shittake Mushrooms and Lotus Flowers
Growing from the mud at the bottom of ponds and streams, the exquisite Lotus flower rises above the water and is usually white or pink with many oval, spreading petals, and an odd, flat seedcase at its center. A symbol of the sun, of creation and rebirth. Because at night the flower closes and sinks underwater, at dawn it rises and opens again.
Shittake, as with all other mushrooms, grow best in fertilizer - that's mostly poop and some rotting plants - and yet they are highly sought after. But take either of these things and put too much fertilizer or the wrong kind of muck and it withers and dies.
Sometimes I wonder if people have similarities to these plants and fungi... People get a lot of fertilizer dropped on them, most of them seem to grow from it and become better people while some get overwhelmed and burn out.
I wonder if I am strong enough to withstand the amount of fertilizer I get in life or will I wither?
Today is our 2 year wedding anniversary! I love being married to my husband! A lot of times people have told us that we should stop acting like newlyweds, being cuddly and loving to each other, but I always argue that I'd like to be newlywed forever - and we still are, hopefully we will stay that way a long long time!!
To my husband - who reads my blog - I love you hunny and thanks for always being so wonderful!

I gave my family quite a surprise last night... I called them from Red Deer and told them we would see them in 90 minutes... My mom met us at our car outside of my sisters house, she went to the passenger door to greet me... but to her shock and surprise she found Chris there instead!! She yippee'd for joy and came racing around to the drivers side where I was sitting and exclaimed 'You're driving!!!! Are you really Driving??' and yes, yes I am!!!
I'm so glad I was able to keep the secret that I have my learner's permit from everyone - it was really cool to surprise them like that... Now I just need to surprize the In-Laws, maybe next weekend under the guise of bringing those birth announcements for Danielle.
A little background info for those that don't know... I have been getting pestered my my MIL and some members of my family to get my licence. I don't know why I waited so long. I think I was afraid I wouldn't be a good driver - after all it is a really big responsibility and a lot of young people take it for granted and think they should just be able to drive (*poof*) as soon as they turn 16!
I really like the graduated licence program... I think for most people it will make them better drivers and really take driving seriously. It will only really suck for people who live alone and have no friends or family that can be your driving partner - although I'm sure there is a program or something out there for those people.
Random obvious driving thought: You never realize how bad some drivers are until you are learning the right way to drive - Example, you're supposed to turn your signal light on (in the correct direction) BEFORE you change lanes (so that the other drivers around you know what you're planning on doing) ... BUT ... I've seen a lot of people who don't change lanes properly... even one person who changed into the right hand lane and then halfway into the lane turned on his left hand signal lights and left them on for about 20 seconds...
I'm so glad I was able to keep the secret that I have my learner's permit from everyone - it was really cool to surprise them like that... Now I just need to surprize the In-Laws, maybe next weekend under the guise of bringing those birth announcements for Danielle.
A little background info for those that don't know... I have been getting pestered my my MIL and some members of my family to get my licence. I don't know why I waited so long. I think I was afraid I wouldn't be a good driver - after all it is a really big responsibility and a lot of young people take it for granted and think they should just be able to drive (*poof*) as soon as they turn 16!
I really like the graduated licence program... I think for most people it will make them better drivers and really take driving seriously. It will only really suck for people who live alone and have no friends or family that can be your driving partner - although I'm sure there is a program or something out there for those people.
Random obvious driving thought: You never realize how bad some drivers are until you are learning the right way to drive - Example, you're supposed to turn your signal light on (in the correct direction) BEFORE you change lanes (so that the other drivers around you know what you're planning on doing) ... BUT ... I've seen a lot of people who don't change lanes properly... even one person who changed into the right hand lane and then halfway into the lane turned on his left hand signal lights and left them on for about 20 seconds...
Ewan James Kerr has arrived
My brother-in-law and sister-in-law have just brought a beautiful new life into this world. His name is Ewan James Kerr and he was born early this morning (on proud grandpapa's birthday) and weighs in at a healthy 7lbs 4oz and with a length of a little over 21 inches. Mom (Danielle) and baby are doing well. I'll post a picture as soon as I have one!!
I'm designing and producing the baby announcement cards which will be done by next weekend when we will go to Calgary to visit and see our newest nephew. I'll post a picture of the birth announcement when its completed too.
Congrats to Danielle and Jeremy on their new bundle of joy!
I'm designing and producing the baby announcement cards which will be done by next weekend when we will go to Calgary to visit and see our newest nephew. I'll post a picture of the birth announcement when its completed too.
Congrats to Danielle and Jeremy on their new bundle of joy!
Get out of the gutter!!!
BANG! BANGBANGBANGBANG!... Bark! Bark! Howwwwwwwwwwwwwwwl! Whine! HISSSSSSSSSSS!
And now I'm sitting straight up in bed with a fully poofed up orange cat at my feet wondering what the heck is going on!! BANG! it dawns on me that today is Saturday and our gutters must be getting reattached to the house now... so much for sleeping in today!! I look over and there is my darling husband... still fast asleep!! Being the loving wife I am, I decide that if I have to be up this early, so shall dear darling husband. I gently pull out his earplug - apparently I snore or something - and await the next bang... the roofer does not disappoint!! BANGITY BANG BANG! Dear darling hubby is now definately awake!!! LOL sometimes its fun to be a little mean!!
We're up... now what? ah, yes Giz must whiz...
And now I'm sitting straight up in bed with a fully poofed up orange cat at my feet wondering what the heck is going on!! BANG! it dawns on me that today is Saturday and our gutters must be getting reattached to the house now... so much for sleeping in today!! I look over and there is my darling husband... still fast asleep!! Being the loving wife I am, I decide that if I have to be up this early, so shall dear darling husband. I gently pull out his earplug - apparently I snore or something - and await the next bang... the roofer does not disappoint!! BANGITY BANG BANG! Dear darling hubby is now definately awake!!! LOL sometimes its fun to be a little mean!!
We're up... now what? ah, yes Giz must whiz...
Its been 7 years since the 9/11 attacks and still every September 11th the news and radio relives and refreshes everyone's memories of the event. When do we stop looking back at the past and start living for the future again?
I admit that I've moved on and that might be because I was in Calgary at work the morning of 9/11 and it didn't really hit home for me because I didn't know anyone who was on the hijacked flights or in the Twin Towers. I was saddened by it and I suppose if I had someone who had died or been injured in the attack, or lived in NY it probably would have been harder for me to get over. Yes - terrorism is bad but isn't the War that ensued because of 9/11 worse? 9/11 claimed over 6000 innocent lives... The War on Terrorism has claimed much more than that - men, women, children and so many soldiers - and it is still going on... How many more have to die until 'revenge' is fulfilled?
It's bad enough that every year the radio and news reminds us all but when companies put up advertisements selling coins etc. that have been minted from silver retrieved from Ground Zero... that bothers me... There are people out there that are profiting from this trajedy and that really gets my goat!
I know people are morbid by nature - they want a souvenier of events like 9/11, they want to feel like they are a part of it... but its kind of sick at the same time.
We have to learn from our mistakes, but we also have to move on... Its been 7 years, I think its time.
I admit that I've moved on and that might be because I was in Calgary at work the morning of 9/11 and it didn't really hit home for me because I didn't know anyone who was on the hijacked flights or in the Twin Towers. I was saddened by it and I suppose if I had someone who had died or been injured in the attack, or lived in NY it probably would have been harder for me to get over. Yes - terrorism is bad but isn't the War that ensued because of 9/11 worse? 9/11 claimed over 6000 innocent lives... The War on Terrorism has claimed much more than that - men, women, children and so many soldiers - and it is still going on... How many more have to die until 'revenge' is fulfilled?
It's bad enough that every year the radio and news reminds us all but when companies put up advertisements selling coins etc. that have been minted from silver retrieved from Ground Zero... that bothers me... There are people out there that are profiting from this trajedy and that really gets my goat!
I know people are morbid by nature - they want a souvenier of events like 9/11, they want to feel like they are a part of it... but its kind of sick at the same time.
We have to learn from our mistakes, but we also have to move on... Its been 7 years, I think its time.
Yard messy - me not so happy
So Adrianna (our landlady) and her boyfriend came by tonight to clean up after the roofer... but they were working in the dark for half of the time and when I went out a few minutes ago to put Gizmo in his pen (y'know for the pooping etc) I still see a lot of debri - most of it small, but to Gizmo I bet all of it looks super tasty... especially those lovely 2" nails scattered about!!
I'm not such a happy camper right now - I was really hoping that I'd be able to let Gizmo run around the yard again, but since he eats anything he can fit in his face (yes even rocks too... ) I can't until we clean up the yard again (front and back).
Some good news - our roof does look very nice and Adrianna said the roofer would be back to put the gutters back up on Saturday!!
I'm not such a happy camper right now - I was really hoping that I'd be able to let Gizmo run around the yard again, but since he eats anything he can fit in his face (yes even rocks too... ) I can't until we clean up the yard again (front and back).
Some good news - our roof does look very nice and Adrianna said the roofer would be back to put the gutters back up on Saturday!!
Roof... and no that isn't the dog
Our landlady finally got the roofers to come and reshingle our house... We came home to a complete mess in the front yard today - the roofer just tossed everything over the side of the roof, and onto my garden!! Now I didn't do a lot of planting this year, as it was our first year in this house and I wanted to see what would pop up... turns out there were two flowering bush-like plants and a really nice peony, along with some nice lowbrush greenery (I'm not sure what they are but they're rather nice to look at). And ALL of it was under the roof garbage!!! If I was a cartoon character steam would have come out from my ears! My hubby tried to calm me down by saying that the roofer would be done in a day or two and when he was finished he would take all of the garbage away at the same time.
I heard him banging and thumping all day Saturday as I was trying to design the birth announcements for my sister-in-law's baby that is due on the 20th of this month and while watching the puppy who did not like all of the noise!! Chris, lucky him, was at work trying to get the server to do its proper backups...
It took the roofer until Monday evening to finish our roof, we met him as we were taking Gizmo out to the pen in the back. Chris and the roofer chatted it up and he told us that our Landlady would be by on the weekend to clean up the mess and that someone would be back to put the gutters back on the house...
The back yard and front yard look like our house had a drastic haircut and no one has swept yet... I really hope our landlady comes sooner rather than later!
I heard him banging and thumping all day Saturday as I was trying to design the birth announcements for my sister-in-law's baby that is due on the 20th of this month and while watching the puppy who did not like all of the noise!! Chris, lucky him, was at work trying to get the server to do its proper backups...
It took the roofer until Monday evening to finish our roof, we met him as we were taking Gizmo out to the pen in the back. Chris and the roofer chatted it up and he told us that our Landlady would be by on the weekend to clean up the mess and that someone would be back to put the gutters back on the house...
The back yard and front yard look like our house had a drastic haircut and no one has swept yet... I really hope our landlady comes sooner rather than later!
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