
Please just STOP!

Ok, so there is this girl (a temp) that works in my building who doesn't really have the best social skills.  She's a nice person but she hasn't quite figured out what to talk about when our group gets together for breaks or lunch.  She drones on and on and ON about aspects of her job that no one else cares about.  She starts a conversation with you about something that she talked to you about last week (that you have already forgotten) usually in the middle of a different discussion or interupting someone else.  She also ALWAYS has either an opinion or a suggestion... even if you're not asking for one.

She's desperate to get hired by our company (but we're in a hiring freeze) and is always whining about how everyone else seems to get the jobs but her.  She even tried to buy her way into a special conference because she thinks that just because she's been temping here for 7 months means that she's is a regular employee like the rest of us.

I'm a pretty patient person but lately everything about this person is driving me and pretty much everyone else crazy.  It's getting akward lately too since she wants to join in on all of the social things we do, like going out for lunch etc and gets really upset if we want to go out at noon since her lunch break is a half hour before ours... the universe doesn't revolve around her, but she doesn't seem to know that.

None of us really know how to tell her that she's annoying the crap out of all of us without really making her upset and or creating a crapstorm in the process.

This has gotten me thinking, "what if I'm annoying the people in the group too?" Would they tell me or are they complaining about me behind my back?  I think I will start making sure I'm not interrupting people and that I'm not just talking/complaining about work.  I also hope I'm not horning in on people's excursions outside of the office... I don't want to be the chick that always has to tag along.

I wish I could read minds... or that people would say what they were actually feeling/thinking.


strongcanadianbeauty said...

Uh...wow...ya now I'm thinking and wondering how i come across. Especially the 'ALWAYS has either an opinion or a suggestion... even if you're not asking for one.' cuz that pretty much sums me up. Ok..I need to remember I have one mouth and two ears for a reason!! Thanks for the insight.

Yvonne said...

Being new to my job, I often wonder the same thing. My office tends to be a gossipy bunch and I wonder what they are saying about me when it's my day off! I try my hardest to stay clear of saying anything about someone else that I wouldn't say if they were in the room. Thanks for sharing your experiences.