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I'm planning on growing potatoes, carrots, peas, tomatoes, onions (both green and cooking ones), strawberries, cucumbers, squash, zucchini. I'm going to put in a small herb garden in some smaller planter boxes. I am also going to try to grow some pumpkins - not the huge ones you see at Halloween - the small ones you cook with. I might even try and plant a raspberry bush...
I think this year is going to be the year I get my act together and finally do all the things I want to do... OK, stop laughing!! I AM going to TRY... lol
Good for you! I have a friend with room on her acreage for my garden spot this year. I plan to grow and can and freeze LOTS!!!... quit laughing...
lol... grand plans of mice and men eh?? well like someone famous once said - aim high, there is no other way to aim.
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