I had a much better sleep last night thanks to a lovely sleeping mask Chris found me at the mall here in Vernon. The sun rises right into my window at a shocking 4 in the morning, so the last sleep I had was not the best... but now I am rested and loving it!!
Had a great day today!! Had breakfast with the in-laws, then changed into my swim gear and joined Papu (father-in-law) by the pool. It was already really REALLY hot at 10 in the morning, so I got into the pool and onto my floaty... well that was the plan in my brain, but it didn't quite work out like that... seems the floaty had a mind of its own and just as I was about to sit on it... it floated just out of reach... I, of course, did not realize this because I was not facing the floaty... so I got dunked really quickly into the very cold pool water... much to the amusement of EVERYONE around me... I did end up getting onto the floaty but it took a couple tries... And then of course I fell off when I was trying to adjust my position... I am so amusing to my in-laws!!! LOL!!
anyhoo... I am definitely getting more tanned... something that I didn't think would happen... usually I just burn... and my legs don't tan at all. Well not this time... well at least my top half anyway!! I'm going to work on getting some colour, hopefully not bright red, on to my legs tomorrow.
Went to the Farmer's Market today - it was kinda pathetic, and it couldn't hold a candle to the one back home... in fact if I could turn back time I would have gone to a fruit stand instead since that's all that was worthwhile to buy at this market. I did pick up cherries, strawberries and raspberries... That'll be a nice treat over the next couple days... It'll go well with the Welsh Cakes that Chris' Great Aunt Mary gave us last night at BP's.
Speaking of last night at BP's... I got a huge surprise as all of the waitstaff stood behind me to sing me happy birthday... my face got so red... but I was very grateful that I had picked a chair facing the wall so not everyone could see my beet red blush!! It was very thoughtful of John and Norma to remember me - especially as I don't think they'll be coming to my birthday bash in 14 days... It was really nice to see great aunt Mary and Jackie... wish we lived closer to our families some days!!
Well back to today... after the pitiful market, we went off to the pitiful Wal-Mart... didn't find much there, but we picked up some more sunscreen and a pair of sunglasses for me (for the pool) and I picked up my all time favorite movie (Pride and Prejudice - the one with Colin {yum-yum} Firth in it)... Chris wanted to stop by EB Games in the mall too, so i hung out in the car for awhile soaking up the sun... but my lemonade ran out so I wandered into the mall to catch up with Chris, who after almost 45 minutes was still in the tiny EB games store... We went to Orange Julius and got a very VERY sweet raspberry lemonade... I couldn't handle the sweetness of it so I gave mine to Chris....
Got back to the hotel and changed into swim gear - I had the idea that I would suntan for awhile, but it was too hot and I just felt like I was an ant under a magnifying glass... this place does have awesome grass to lay on... so cool and spongy!!!
Well that's about all that happened today... Ya'll stay tuned for tomorrow's adventures!!!
If you hold everything inside you it ends up festering and exploding in your face later. It's a much better idea to let it out into the world where you can see it from many different angles. That's what this blog is for me. There will be happy, sad, mad and weird posts here. Sometimes regularly, sometimes not.
Day one, two and three of my summer vacation
Ok, Ok, so I know I haven't written lately and I'm not gonna tell you it was because I was sooooo busy... in truth I think I've just been lazy!! Afterall... if I have time to play on the PS3 or watch movies and television, i could spare a minute or two for my blog... So sorry to all of my blog readers for not having anything new to read for over 2 months...
I figured that I could write about my vacation... but the wireless internet at some of these hotels is slower than a snail covered in molasses...
Our first 'motel' was pretty sketchy... but that's what you get for stopping at the first one you see... we got the last room in the place - luckily it was on the ground floor so it was easy to lug our ginormous suitcase and necessities into it... we walked up to our room and in front of it was a HUGE pile of empty boxes (TV boxes to be accurate)... well huh I thought... guess they're doing some remodelling or something... oooooh yeah... I'm thinking that the inside is gonna be great.... Boy was I wrong... this motel was in a word... FLEABAG!! lol... I checked out the beds... there were 4 by the way (2 Queen, 1 Double and 1 twin)... the sheets looked new and clean but the comforter was out of the 70's or 80's... the TV was new... lol... but the cable was so grainy it wasn't worth trying to watch anything!! Plus it only got like 7 channels... I felt like I was in a time warp or something... *snigger*... now that song from Rocky Horror is playing over and over in my head!!! Anyway, we went to bed... the place had nice pillows and those awesome blackout drapes....
Woke up the next morning and showered.... OH MY GOODNESS... there was no end to the hot water!! which is very good since I'm used to competing with my darling hubby for our limited supply at our house!! It felt so great that I decided to shave my legs... ok that might have been a bit too much info for some of you, but let me tell you this... its is so much better doing this with really REALLY warm water than to try and do it with luke-warm so that you have enough Hot water for two people to shower... LOL...
We got on the road in a hurry, and I was very grateful I had packed the cooler with sandwiches and goodies for the road, because that little town did NOT have a Tim Horton's...lol!!
We stopped about an hour out of Vernon, at a place called Paul Lake and had a picnic lunch and then sat on the bank with our feet in the water... I so miss being so close to the water... The sound, the smell, its all so familiar and brings me back to my childhood! It was a very VERY happy childhood. (Thanks largely to my incredible mom and my wonderful step-dad)...
We reluctantly left the lake and travelled into Vernon to go to the Tiki Village motel... I love this place - it's the second time we've been here and it's just awesome!!! Spent the afternoon/evening with my in'laws and then went into the room to watch some tv and go to bed.
Well that brings us up to today!! Its only about 4 here now, and already today we've been to the Wal-Mart and the Mall (had to do a little shopping - afterall I was already out of reading material...)... And now I'm headed off to the pool to do a little swimming and then we're going to meet up with my hubby's Great aunty...
I'll write again tomorrow... hope y'all come back to read!!
I figured that I could write about my vacation... but the wireless internet at some of these hotels is slower than a snail covered in molasses...
Our first 'motel' was pretty sketchy... but that's what you get for stopping at the first one you see... we got the last room in the place - luckily it was on the ground floor so it was easy to lug our ginormous suitcase and necessities into it... we walked up to our room and in front of it was a HUGE pile of empty boxes (TV boxes to be accurate)... well huh I thought... guess they're doing some remodelling or something... oooooh yeah... I'm thinking that the inside is gonna be great.... Boy was I wrong... this motel was in a word... FLEABAG!! lol... I checked out the beds... there were 4 by the way (2 Queen, 1 Double and 1 twin)... the sheets looked new and clean but the comforter was out of the 70's or 80's... the TV was new... lol... but the cable was so grainy it wasn't worth trying to watch anything!! Plus it only got like 7 channels... I felt like I was in a time warp or something... *snigger*... now that song from Rocky Horror is playing over and over in my head!!! Anyway, we went to bed... the place had nice pillows and those awesome blackout drapes....
Woke up the next morning and showered.... OH MY GOODNESS... there was no end to the hot water!! which is very good since I'm used to competing with my darling hubby for our limited supply at our house!! It felt so great that I decided to shave my legs... ok that might have been a bit too much info for some of you, but let me tell you this... its is so much better doing this with really REALLY warm water than to try and do it with luke-warm so that you have enough Hot water for two people to shower... LOL...
We got on the road in a hurry, and I was very grateful I had packed the cooler with sandwiches and goodies for the road, because that little town did NOT have a Tim Horton's...lol!!
We stopped about an hour out of Vernon, at a place called Paul Lake and had a picnic lunch and then sat on the bank with our feet in the water... I so miss being so close to the water... The sound, the smell, its all so familiar and brings me back to my childhood! It was a very VERY happy childhood. (Thanks largely to my incredible mom and my wonderful step-dad)...
We reluctantly left the lake and travelled into Vernon to go to the Tiki Village motel... I love this place - it's the second time we've been here and it's just awesome!!! Spent the afternoon/evening with my in'laws and then went into the room to watch some tv and go to bed.
Well that brings us up to today!! Its only about 4 here now, and already today we've been to the Wal-Mart and the Mall (had to do a little shopping - afterall I was already out of reading material...)... And now I'm headed off to the pool to do a little swimming and then we're going to meet up with my hubby's Great aunty...
I'll write again tomorrow... hope y'all come back to read!!
its getting worse
This is so utterly... Unfair... untimely... and just so very wrong.
I thought that when you get medication that it is supposed to make you feel better... not worse! This darn antibiotic is so kicking my butt... they told me that it's side effects are nausea and diarrhea and that I should take it with breakfast and dinner... so that already causes an issue... as I DO NOT eat breakfast... I know, I know... its the MOST important meal of the day... but I firmly believe in not eating until you are hungry... but while I'm on this antibiotic I have to force myself to eat breakfast at 7:30 in the morning - which I think is so totally bogus and its making me feel worse! Oh well I guess I'll just have to 'suck it up Princess' and deal for the next 8 mornings.
So last night was rough... the Advair didn't help my breathing... I had another fever... I had the shivering problem again (although it wasn't as bad as the last time)... and Chris and I ended up staying up past midnight until I fell asleep on the couch. Poor Chris, he had work to do last night and didn't do it so he could sit with me and make me feel better... Sometimes I don't feel like I deserve him... he's such a good man.
I think the lack of sleep is starting to run me down too... thinking back... I haven't had a good night's sleep in a week... even with the awesomeness of NyQuil...
On the bright side... it is a long weekend, so I'll be able to sleep and nap and just relax. AND a SUPER BONUS... my mom is coming up... and no one makes you feel better like your mom right??
I thought that when you get medication that it is supposed to make you feel better... not worse! This darn antibiotic is so kicking my butt... they told me that it's side effects are nausea and diarrhea and that I should take it with breakfast and dinner... so that already causes an issue... as I DO NOT eat breakfast... I know, I know... its the MOST important meal of the day... but I firmly believe in not eating until you are hungry... but while I'm on this antibiotic I have to force myself to eat breakfast at 7:30 in the morning - which I think is so totally bogus and its making me feel worse! Oh well I guess I'll just have to 'suck it up Princess' and deal for the next 8 mornings.
So last night was rough... the Advair didn't help my breathing... I had another fever... I had the shivering problem again (although it wasn't as bad as the last time)... and Chris and I ended up staying up past midnight until I fell asleep on the couch. Poor Chris, he had work to do last night and didn't do it so he could sit with me and make me feel better... Sometimes I don't feel like I deserve him... he's such a good man.
I think the lack of sleep is starting to run me down too... thinking back... I haven't had a good night's sleep in a week... even with the awesomeness of NyQuil...
On the bright side... it is a long weekend, so I'll be able to sleep and nap and just relax. AND a SUPER BONUS... my mom is coming up... and no one makes you feel better like your mom right??
Ok, so I'm not the sort of gal that goes to see doctors... I mean you wait forever to see them for 2 minutes, most of which they spend reading your chart... But Tuesday had me sitting in a waiting room - by my own choice - waiting to see the clinic doctor.
I ended up having to wait for three hours... all the time listening to the receptionist telling people that the wait time was only going to be an hour... yeah... RIGHT! I mean seriously?? Why not tell people the truth instead of wasting their time? I guess it could have been worse I could have been waiting at the hospital for 8 hours right?
Anyhoo... I finally get to see the doctor (for about 4 minutes)... and guess what? He tells me I have bronchitis and that I'm wheezing like an asthmatic... and gives me a prescription for antibiotics and an Advair diskus...
To borrow a phrase from a good buddy of mine... 'this is so totally Weak Sauce man!!'
So thank you to my husband who gave me his cold/flu... and thanks to my own immune system for mutating it into something much worse.
I ended up having to wait for three hours... all the time listening to the receptionist telling people that the wait time was only going to be an hour... yeah... RIGHT! I mean seriously?? Why not tell people the truth instead of wasting their time? I guess it could have been worse I could have been waiting at the hospital for 8 hours right?
Anyhoo... I finally get to see the doctor (for about 4 minutes)... and guess what? He tells me I have bronchitis and that I'm wheezing like an asthmatic... and gives me a prescription for antibiotics and an Advair diskus...
To borrow a phrase from a good buddy of mine... 'this is so totally Weak Sauce man!!'
So thank you to my husband who gave me his cold/flu... and thanks to my own immune system for mutating it into something much worse.
Sick of being... well... sick!
6 days and counting... of being sick I mean. It started out as just a stomach bug, but now its congesting my lungs like a Japanese train car. I should've known though, after all my hubby had a wicked cold when I had my stomach bug and he ALWAYS shares with me... I wish he wouldn't!
Yesterday was so bad. I went to work and I just kept feeling more and more sick and by the end of the day I just wanted to crawl into bed and die... well not literally die... but definitely be dead to the world for the night.
I felt like I had a fever so when I got home I grabbed my thermometer... its battery was dead... so I grabbed the basal thermometer... its battery was also dead. Figures eh? I curled up on the sofa with my blanket in defeat... I just couldn't seem to make my feet warm up.
My darling hubby (who gave me this sickness btw) went out and got batteries for the thermometer and brought home yummy Chinese food... he's so sweet!
About the fever? yeah it was 101... but it went back down to normal by about 11.
Went to bed around midnight, but ended up waking up at 1, 2, 3 and 4 with coughing. Got out of bed at 2 to get more Kleenex and something to drink - I started shivering uncontrollably, but super weird thing is that I didn't feel cold, but I couldn't stop shaking. Even when I managed to get back into bed, it didn't stop. So weird...
Upside to this is that I think I feel a little better today... we'll just have to wait and see if it lasts!
Yesterday was so bad. I went to work and I just kept feeling more and more sick and by the end of the day I just wanted to crawl into bed and die... well not literally die... but definitely be dead to the world for the night.
I felt like I had a fever so when I got home I grabbed my thermometer... its battery was dead... so I grabbed the basal thermometer... its battery was also dead. Figures eh? I curled up on the sofa with my blanket in defeat... I just couldn't seem to make my feet warm up.
My darling hubby (who gave me this sickness btw) went out and got batteries for the thermometer and brought home yummy Chinese food... he's so sweet!
About the fever? yeah it was 101... but it went back down to normal by about 11.
Went to bed around midnight, but ended up waking up at 1, 2, 3 and 4 with coughing. Got out of bed at 2 to get more Kleenex and something to drink - I started shivering uncontrollably, but super weird thing is that I didn't feel cold, but I couldn't stop shaking. Even when I managed to get back into bed, it didn't stop. So weird...
Upside to this is that I think I feel a little better today... we'll just have to wait and see if it lasts!
There are people in this world that have a happy expression on their faces all the time... I used to be one of them and I'm trying really hard to get myself back there! So now everytime I see a happy-tastic person I get a little green around the gills so to speak.
I'm trying to figure out what is different in my life now. Comparing the sublimely happy me to the me that I am right now.
Now don't get me wrong... I am NOT a sadsack or depressed, I'm just not as happy-go-lucky as I used to be.
Maybe its the weather - I mean its almost April and we still have a lot of snow on the ground... oh yeah and its snowing right now!!! ewww
Maybe once its warmer and I can spend a lot more time outdoors it'll be better... but come on!! I LIVE in CANADA!!! 2/3's of our year is crap weather!! we really only get from maybe May-September with warmish weather... that's only FOUR months of joy! But I hope this year I remember to take advantage of the joy of the Big Blue Room... Plus we're going on a cruise at the end of September to Hawaii so thats some more cause for happy-happy!!
Thinking about the past... I used to really get a lot of joy out of crafts and baking and that sort of thing... so I think my plans for the weekend will include finding my breadmaker, baking some awesome raisin bread, cleaning up my craft room and making something awesome.... I think I'll call my mom too... She's super awesome!! I'll call my sister too... She's so great!!
Well... this was a weird post, but I'm glad its out there! It looks like I have a plan... I like plans! Now all I need is a checklist... I like checklists... makes it feel like you've gotten so much accomplished... :P
I'm trying to figure out what is different in my life now. Comparing the sublimely happy me to the me that I am right now.
Now don't get me wrong... I am NOT a sadsack or depressed, I'm just not as happy-go-lucky as I used to be.
Maybe its the weather - I mean its almost April and we still have a lot of snow on the ground... oh yeah and its snowing right now!!! ewww
Maybe once its warmer and I can spend a lot more time outdoors it'll be better... but come on!! I LIVE in CANADA!!! 2/3's of our year is crap weather!! we really only get from maybe May-September with warmish weather... that's only FOUR months of joy! But I hope this year I remember to take advantage of the joy of the Big Blue Room... Plus we're going on a cruise at the end of September to Hawaii so thats some more cause for happy-happy!!
Thinking about the past... I used to really get a lot of joy out of crafts and baking and that sort of thing... so I think my plans for the weekend will include finding my breadmaker, baking some awesome raisin bread, cleaning up my craft room and making something awesome.... I think I'll call my mom too... She's super awesome!! I'll call my sister too... She's so great!!
Well... this was a weird post, but I'm glad its out there! It looks like I have a plan... I like plans! Now all I need is a checklist... I like checklists... makes it feel like you've gotten so much accomplished... :P
Happy Birthday
wow... my neice is 18 today...
I knew it would happen, I just keep saying wow, with a dumbfounded look on my face... I mean really... wasn't she just a little baby like yesterday???
I'll find some pictures from her life and post them... she is such an awesome gal!!
I love you Kimmy!! You will always be a little girl to me! Happy 18th Birthday!
I knew it would happen, I just keep saying wow, with a dumbfounded look on my face... I mean really... wasn't she just a little baby like yesterday???
I'll find some pictures from her life and post them... she is such an awesome gal!!
I love you Kimmy!! You will always be a little girl to me! Happy 18th Birthday!
trouble sleeping
I know this reeks of randomness... but I just have to ask...
Did you have trouble sleeping last night??
My hubby and I did... it was so weird! Went to bed at 10... tossed and turned until 11:30. Had heartburn so I got up and had some milk. Went back to bed... couldn't get relaxed. Thought about getting up and watching TV or playing on the PS3, didn't do either. 1:00 came around and I was still awake... Chris was too... we opened the window and let the cold awesome air into the room... still awake at 2:30... The night air felt nice, but the light coming through yonder window sucked!! I think I managed to fall asleep around 3:30 or 4...
Uber strange thing - I'm not tired today.
Extra awesome weirdness... I'm not the only one at work today who didn't sleep well last night... I wonder if there is something in the Edmonton air last night??
Did you have trouble sleeping last night??
My hubby and I did... it was so weird! Went to bed at 10... tossed and turned until 11:30. Had heartburn so I got up and had some milk. Went back to bed... couldn't get relaxed. Thought about getting up and watching TV or playing on the PS3, didn't do either. 1:00 came around and I was still awake... Chris was too... we opened the window and let the cold awesome air into the room... still awake at 2:30... The night air felt nice, but the light coming through yonder window sucked!! I think I managed to fall asleep around 3:30 or 4...
Uber strange thing - I'm not tired today.
Extra awesome weirdness... I'm not the only one at work today who didn't sleep well last night... I wonder if there is something in the Edmonton air last night??
Totally Stuck in my Head!!
Some songs just stick in your head like peanut butter on the roof of your mouth. Here are some of the more sticky songs turned into YouTube videos!
awesome tire
Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway
Harry Potter and the mysterious ticking noise
Badger Song
Llama Song
Gummy Bear Song
Dramatic hamster
I hope at least one of these gets stuck in your head too!!
awesome tire
Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway
Harry Potter and the mysterious ticking noise
Badger Song
Llama Song
Gummy Bear Song
Dramatic hamster
I hope at least one of these gets stuck in your head too!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
So I haven't been posting too much lately... sorry about that... been a little busy planning our Cruise for September and travelling to Calgary and Linden...
Happy St. Patty's day everyone... did you remember to wear green? I did not... and have had several near misses with attempted pinchy pinchertons!!! LOL

Happy St. Patty's day everyone... did you remember to wear green? I did not... and have had several near misses with attempted pinchy pinchertons!!! LOL

I need everyone for this... oh wait... just not you...
I'm not a huge swearer... and usually never in print... but it has to be said... (sorry mom, I know you read this) but what happened today is total bull shit!
We watched a picture slideshow that was showing all of the people in our Division... it was really cool... they started with Calgary and showed pictures of all of the people there (some with funny captions) and then they moved on to Edmonton... I got so excited when our branch title came up on the screen... but they didn't have my picture... or anyone else's from our office... and they only showed a few people from our branch. I mean what's up with that??
I think if you are going to have a slideshow with pictures of people in the Division... you had better well make DARN sure to have EVERYBODY included... I mean really?? How insulting is that??? Oh... them? they're not important enough to be included in our slideshow... not even with a cheesy group shot.
Adding Insult to injury... when I said hello to our new (ish) Exec director today... he looked at me like "WHO ARE YOU?" he doesn't even know who I am... that really stung because He's been here like six months and he can't remember someone who has introduced herself a record of 4 times now????
Nice... Thanks for the effort... Bozo...
We watched a picture slideshow that was showing all of the people in our Division... it was really cool... they started with Calgary and showed pictures of all of the people there (some with funny captions) and then they moved on to Edmonton... I got so excited when our branch title came up on the screen... but they didn't have my picture... or anyone else's from our office... and they only showed a few people from our branch. I mean what's up with that??
I think if you are going to have a slideshow with pictures of people in the Division... you had better well make DARN sure to have EVERYBODY included... I mean really?? How insulting is that??? Oh... them? they're not important enough to be included in our slideshow... not even with a cheesy group shot.
Adding Insult to injury... when I said hello to our new (ish) Exec director today... he looked at me like "WHO ARE YOU?" he doesn't even know who I am... that really stung because He's been here like six months and he can't remember someone who has introduced herself a record of 4 times now????
Nice... Thanks for the effort... Bozo...
Awesomeness of Green Screen!
I found this awesome video... The weatherman is wearing a green tie... makes watching the weather report a lot more interesting.
Check it out here
Check it out here
This is beyond odd... normally I make a pretty good spaghetti... in fact... IT ROCKS! But last night I tried a new sauce in a jar - I didn't have time to make the sauce myself. The sauce was called Tomato Basil (the brand was Eating Right - safeway's healthy eating brand). It smelled very unlike any pasta sauce I've had before...
I sautee'd my onion, garlic, VE garlic pepper, VE Herb Garlic Sea Salt and ground turkey (I'm trying to stay away from too much red meat right now)... then I added the sauce which was a very bright red... it didn't look or smell right. I cut up the rest of some awesome polish sausage I got at the Farmer's market on the weekend and shoved that in there too... I finished cooking the pasta and drained it. Then I heated a little EVO and some garlic together and tossed the pasta in that... I find it gives it a nice garlic flavor and keeps the noodles from clumping together. I added the sauce and gave it a stir... it really needed something so I added some shredded cheese to the mix.
Well... it wasn't horrible... but it didn't ROCK either. I don't know what I should add to the other jar of this pasta sauce I have to make it better...
I think next time I will shred some carrot and cook that in the sauce as well.
I sautee'd my onion, garlic, VE garlic pepper, VE Herb Garlic Sea Salt and ground turkey (I'm trying to stay away from too much red meat right now)... then I added the sauce which was a very bright red... it didn't look or smell right. I cut up the rest of some awesome polish sausage I got at the Farmer's market on the weekend and shoved that in there too... I finished cooking the pasta and drained it. Then I heated a little EVO and some garlic together and tossed the pasta in that... I find it gives it a nice garlic flavor and keeps the noodles from clumping together. I added the sauce and gave it a stir... it really needed something so I added some shredded cheese to the mix.
Well... it wasn't horrible... but it didn't ROCK either. I don't know what I should add to the other jar of this pasta sauce I have to make it better...
I think next time I will shred some carrot and cook that in the sauce as well.
Happy Kittehz
The kitties have regressed into kittens again... they've been chasing each other and playing a lot more now that the baby gates are down. I'm glad to see Tigger acting so young again... I was really worried because he had been such a grumpy old man for over a year... I guess that's what happens when your teeth hurt all the time. Well he has six less teeth, but he's full of happy and playfulness!
The only downside to this is... when they decide to play at 2AM and thunder up and down the basement stairs, run across me in bed all while trying to pin the other down...
The only downside to this is... when they decide to play at 2AM and thunder up and down the basement stairs, run across me in bed all while trying to pin the other down...
I needed some cheering up so I went on to one of my favourite sites and found some funnies...

I saw this and I immediately thought of Gizmo... During Christmas when I was making cards and using glitter and making ornaments he would eat anything that landed on the floor... and he did have some funky sparkly poops afterwards... eww eh?

Last night was hard... coming home to a dogless house, no puppeh kisses. Upside... when I ran for the phone last night I didn't have to vault over a baby gate... I hope he's happy with Jean and Nate.
First Morning without Giz
Man this morning was sooooo weird! No Gizmo, no shredded pee pad, no whining until we get out of bed, no chasing the kitties, no cleaning up poop, no tossing him outside and watching him race around his track, no puppy kisses... I took the baby gate down last night and it felt so weird not to have to step over something to get into the living room.
The kitties don't know what to think... maybe they think Gizmo is at the vet or something? but they were awfully cuddly with me this morning, maybe they sense that I'm sad?
The kitties don't know what to think... maybe they think Gizmo is at the vet or something? but they were awfully cuddly with me this morning, maybe they sense that I'm sad?
Well I thought that we would be having our last night with Gizmo on Friday, but as it turns out we weren't able to drop him off until Sunday, so we had an extra night and day with Gizmo. I took him for a run around the snow track that Chris made for him and gave him a bath and trimmed his adorable little face. I laughed when he chased his tail and when he cornered Jade (they were playing - Jade is my little black kitty).
We drove down to Calgary on Sunday afternoon and met Jean and her husband in their home. They will be a good family for Gizmo, they are both retired and had lost their dog last summer. Gizmo looked a little confused, I guess he didn't understand when I told him that he had to stay with them and to be a good puppy for them.
I will miss him, but I love him enough to understand that this will be a better life for him than I could provide...
Jean promised to keep in touch and let us know how he is doing.
We drove down to Calgary on Sunday afternoon and met Jean and her husband in their home. They will be a good family for Gizmo, they are both retired and had lost their dog last summer. Gizmo looked a little confused, I guess he didn't understand when I told him that he had to stay with them and to be a good puppy for them.
I will miss him, but I love him enough to understand that this will be a better life for him than I could provide...
Jean promised to keep in touch and let us know how he is doing.
Last Day of February
Well I did it... I had some computer glitches and some pet stress but I managed to make an entry every day this month... well I posted them late sometimes, but they were all there in draft anyway... LOL
Check older posts... there will be some you haven't read yet!!
Check older posts... there will be some you haven't read yet!!
New Asian Village
I went out for lunch today with the ladies from my office. Man am I stuffed right now!! LOL We went to the New Asian Village - I'd never been there before but I always wanted to try it. I am SO glad I did!! Its East Indian cuisine and it was Fan-Freaking-Tastic!!! So very tasty!
I am going to have to get my husband to try it too... he's not into spicy foods but I think he'll really like this kind!! Luckily for me they have a location on the north end of Edmonton, so its closer to our house!!
If you like East Indian food, you will love this restaurant!!
I give it a 9/10 for Taste/Price/Service/Variety/Ambiance!
I am going to have to get my husband to try it too... he's not into spicy foods but I think he'll really like this kind!! Luckily for me they have a location on the north end of Edmonton, so its closer to our house!!
If you like East Indian food, you will love this restaurant!!
I give it a 9/10 for Taste/Price/Service/Variety/Ambiance!
Its our last night with Gizmo
This is going to be a pretty rough weekend for me and Chris. We've decided to give Gizmo up to a retired lady (Jean) who can give him more attention and time than we can. He deserves that much and more! But still I'm very sad because I really love the little guy... as Chris would say, "he gives me the happy!". He's such a good puppy and I hope that he will love his new mom as much as he loves me.
I plan to keep in touch with Jean and still send Gizmo birthday and Christmas toys... He has been such a wonderful chapter in our lives.
We are planning on driving Gizmo to his new home on Saturday afternoon.
I plan to keep in touch with Jean and still send Gizmo birthday and Christmas toys... He has been such a wonderful chapter in our lives.
We are planning on driving Gizmo to his new home on Saturday afternoon.
My hardest day
Today started out really well... Tigger was cuddling with me this morning - that made it really hard to get out of bed... We rushed out of the house and Chris dropped me off downtown for my one day Women's Conference. The sessions were really interesting but the last one of the day really hit me hard - it was about dealing with Emotional Stress. I guess it hit me so hard because I never really thought about how much emotional stress I'm have, and have been had for quite a long time. I was at a table near the front, which made it a lot harder for me since I was pretty much an inch away from bawling my eyes out and being stubborn and proud person that I am, I didn't want to cry infront of my coworkers and all those strangers - I don't like showing my emotions... its something I deal with alone or with really close friends and family. I have a lot of trust issues.
The session really made me think about forgiveness and things I have been keeping pushed down inside of me. As soon as the session was done, I packed up my things - I was trying so hard not to look at anyone, I was afraid that if I made eye contact it would break the tiny shred of control I had over my tears. Luckily my phone rang (it was my mom) and I could focus on giving her the address to where I was so she could pick me up. Afterwards I felt I was a little more in control so I started walking out with my coworkers - they had driven to the hotel so I went to the lobby to wait for my ride. I really wish I had brought my mp3 player with me so I could focus on something other than my own thoughts... I was really struggling to keep it together... I even thought about going upstairs to the washroom to have a good cry, but I was afraid that once I started, I would not be able to stop - this has happened to me once before and I was lucky that I was home at the time because I literally passed out. I got really close to losing it so I went outside with my jacket open and let the cold (it was really really really cold) fresh air wash over me. It helped - It was easy to focus on how the cold air felt and smelled and how cold I was getting.
I was able to keep it together the rest of the night.
I've been thinking about one thing the instructor said... Forgiveness reduces emotional stress. I have a real problem with forgiving people, even myself. But I have to find a way to do it.
I have to forgive:
- my biological father... I've been carrying a lot of baggage around for years because he wasn't a part of my life and I felt abandoned - I still do.
- my best friend's husband... for abusing our relationship, for abusing my friend, for treating us both so badly and for being the main reason I don't see my friend anymore.
- my best friend... for using me, for blaming me, for not being there the one time I really needed her to be, for being able to get pregnant so easily, for having a beautiful little baby girl, for letting her husband treat her so badly.
- my sister... for treating me so badly when I was a child, for leaving when she was so young - I felt so abandoned by her, for treating me like I was still the child she knew when she lived at home even though I was an adult.
- my brother... for leaving when he was young - both of my siblings really hurt me by leaving me to grow up as an only child. I still don't know them very well
- My uncle... who spread lies about me to the rest of my family, who didn't live up to his end of a deal and then made it out to be a 'life lesson' for me, for always telling me I was fat and should do something about it, for being addicted to Pot, for hurting the family by hiding his sexual orientation from the family until he had AIDS, for being selfish.
- Kim... for treating me like crap when we lived together, for ignoring me completely when I travelled for 3 hours to come to her baby shower, for being so rude to me all the time and for always hurting her wonderful patient and kind husband.
- Mil... for treating me like I'm not good enough, for not smiling at my wedding, for being so pushy, for all of the pressure - babies, house, job... for always saying the wrong thing, for wishing I was more like Sil.
- Sil... for acting like everything should be handed to her, for getting pregnant by accident, for never remembering important dates but getting mad when I don't remember ones that are important to her.
- ME... for having PCOS, for being obese, for not being able to get pregnant, for being proud, for not being able to ask for help, for not being strong, for being painfully shy... my list for what I need to forgive myself for goes on and on...
I guess I have a lot to work on. So... today was my hardest day. But maybe now that I know how much all of this has been weighing on me I will work on it. I just wish I was stronger right now.
Vet Visit for Tigger
Poor Tigger, he's had such a rough month. Today he went to the vet to get some teeth pulled and the rest of his teeth cleaned. The vet ended up taking 6 teeth out... we got to keep them, in a little pill bottle... they look so weird! We brought him home and he's been walking around like he's drunk or stoned... he kinda walks sideways, stumbling over his own paws. I had to hold in a giggle when he was trying to get to the top of our 6 foot high cat stand... he almost didn't make it.
I hope Tigger feels better soon, and that everything going up from here for him. I think Tigger's stress level will go down once we find a better home for Gizmo. Tigger isn't a dog fan like I am.
I hope Tigger feels better soon, and that everything going up from here for him. I think Tigger's stress level will go down once we find a better home for Gizmo. Tigger isn't a dog fan like I am.
Keep telling myself...
Tomorrow will be better than today... but then Tomorrow doesn't come... its always today and I'm looking back at yesterday thinking... where does tomorrow go?
Weird tangents aside... I haven't done a brain teaser in awhile so I thought I would give it another go... So here's this weeks puzzle
You throw away the outside.
You cook the inside.
You eat the outside.
You throw away the inside.
What is it?
Weird tangents aside... I haven't done a brain teaser in awhile so I thought I would give it another go... So here's this weeks puzzle
You throw away the outside.
You cook the inside.
You eat the outside.
You throw away the inside.
What is it?
Monday Blues
I needed something to make me laugh this afternoon, so I went online in search of something funny and I found these... Enjoy

Day of Rest?? Yeah... about that!
Normally I love Sunday's... that is, when the laundry's been done, the dishes are washed and everything is where it should be. Now today... the laundry is all dirty, and so are the dishes, I can't find my favorite pair of socks... and the cat just horked up a huge hairball... eww
I guess I have to hunker down and clean today.... oh joy!
I guess I have to hunker down and clean today.... oh joy!
Needed something to laugh about
Now that we've decided

Its so hard to look into Gizmo's beautiful eyes and know that in a week he'll belong to someone else. I suppose I could not give him up and keep him, but that is really so selfish and not what's best for Gizmo. But still, to have him sleeping with his head on my foot as I write this makes it very very hard. Its hard on Chris too, I can see it when he pets and cuddles the puppy, but we've talked about it and it really is the best thing for Gizmo.
Doesn't make it any easier though...
About Gizmo
I heard back from my friend and she has found the perfect family for Gizmo. A retired couple that had their dog pass away not too long ago. I'm glad that we found someone who will be able to give him all of the attention that he wants and needs! I'm sad though too... I love my puppy.
We'll be dropping Gizmo off next weekend sometime, so I better spend as much time with him now as I can. I really hope that this couple won't mind me staying in contact with them.
We'll be dropping Gizmo off next weekend sometime, so I better spend as much time with him now as I can. I really hope that this couple won't mind me staying in contact with them.
Vet Update
Well Tigger seems to be getting better. We had set him up with a crate to be in when we aren't home and when we're sleeping so that he doesn't pee on anything else. We still put him in it at night while we're sleeping but I think we'll be able to let him roam during the day now, he seems to be peeing better - so it probably was just a bladder infection.
The vet called and they really want to get Tiggers teeth looked at, they are pretty bad, so I'm sure they will have to pull a couple of them out. Hopefully all will go well.
The vet called and they really want to get Tiggers teeth looked at, they are pretty bad, so I'm sure they will have to pull a couple of them out. Hopefully all will go well.
Mean-ies, Rude-ies and other generally unpleasant sorts
Back on the 12th I had to take Tigger to an emergency vet visit, so I didn't get into work until about 11:15. I told my boss that I would work late to make up the time and she was fine with that. This morning the office meanie charges up to me and demands to be told when I will be making up this time. I was covering the front desk, because both of the ladies there were away. I told the rude-ie that I had already made up some of the time last week and that I had the details back at my desk, she sort of interrupted and said "make SURE you let ME know when you're going to make up that time"... I sent an email to both my boss and the unpleasant woman letting them both know what time I had already made up and my plans to stay late that very night to make up the rest of the time.
ROFL sidenote... my boss emails us both back saying "as PREVIOUSLY discussed I am ok with your makeup schedule"... Take that miss Meanie!!
Background Sidenote: the meanie THINKS she is my supervisor, but really she isn't.
ROFL sidenote... my boss emails us both back saying "as PREVIOUSLY discussed I am ok with your makeup schedule"... Take that miss Meanie!!
Background Sidenote: the meanie THINKS she is my supervisor, but really she isn't.
Long weekends ROCK!!
I love long weekends... Its like a present having a Monday where you don't need to go anywhere or do anything and you can just go wherever the day takes you. I think today will take me to some computer games and watching Chris play Fallout. Gizmo has been such a good puppy this weekend... I really wish that we worked less so that he could get this much attention for the rest of the week.
I've asked a friend of ours if she knows of anyone who could be a good fit for Gizmo. I'm not sure if I'm ready to give him up yet but I want something better for Gizmo than what we can do for him. I guess its just a wait and see situation
I've asked a friend of ours if she knows of anyone who could be a good fit for Gizmo. I'm not sure if I'm ready to give him up yet but I want something better for Gizmo than what we can do for him. I guess its just a wait and see situation
I love Sunday's
I really do love Sunday's, they seem to be the day of the week that I can just Chill out and relax. I don't really do too much on Sunday's, sometimes I spend all day in my Pj's watching old movies and snuggling my pets, other times I bake and cook - which really isn't a chore for me since I get so much joy from it.
Today was really fun, we didn't have to go anywhere or do anything, so we stayed home and played games all day. I watched Chris playing his game for awhile, I got him Fallout 3 and he loves playing it! I am playing with my Sims 2 game, I think I have all of the expansion and stuff packs now and I really like making houses!!
Since this weekend is a long weekend, it makes this Sunday extra special since we don't have to be in bed at a reasonable hour... I think we'll stay up until we feel like going to bed... probably still around 10 or 11 though... LOL
Today was really fun, we didn't have to go anywhere or do anything, so we stayed home and played games all day. I watched Chris playing his game for awhile, I got him Fallout 3 and he loves playing it! I am playing with my Sims 2 game, I think I have all of the expansion and stuff packs now and I really like making houses!!
Since this weekend is a long weekend, it makes this Sunday extra special since we don't have to be in bed at a reasonable hour... I think we'll stay up until we feel like going to bed... probably still around 10 or 11 though... LOL
Valentine's Day... Feel the love
I wanted to wish all of my friends and family a very happy Valentine's Day. This is one of my favorite days, I really get into the spirit of it. I even made EVERYONE in my office a treat bag, with a home-made chocolate lolly... I also made bags for my husband's co-workers. I love showing the love!!
But not everyone shares my love of V-Day so here is a picture for you too... Why Lions hate Valentine's Day...
Friday the 13th
Day 2 of Tigger watch. It looks like he's having to pee a lot less frequently, but I'm still keeping him in the crate at night and while we're at work. Its a lot of work to clean up cat pee. We rigged up a shelf (bed) inside the crate last night, it seems to work better and gives tigger some more space.
Today is Friday the 13th and although I'm not a superstitious person I thought I would share some thoughts that the weird people of the Interwebz had.
Wiki File
Random superstitions
Today is Friday the 13th and although I'm not a superstitious person I thought I would share some thoughts that the weird people of the Interwebz had.
Wiki File
Random superstitions
- It has been suggested that if 13 people all sit down at a table together at once, that they will all will die within a year.
- There are 13 witches in a coven.
- We have 3 Friday the 13ths in 2009, February, March and again in November!
- The British Navy is notoriously afraid of Friday the 13th. Nonetheless, it built a ship named Friday the 13th. On its maiden voyage, the vessel left dock on a Friday the 13th and was never heard from again.
- If you were born on a Friday the 13th then today is your LUCKY day!
- Many tall buildings do not have a 13th Floor, because if they did, no one would want to stay on them. Most hospitals d not have a room 13.
- A baker’s dozen is described by a dozen loaves of bread with the 13th being an offering to the devil so he would not spoil the other 12.
- More than 60 million people do not go to work, drive or leave their house on this unlucky day.
- The seals on the back of a US dollar bill include 13 steps on the pyramid, 13 stars above the eagle’s head, 13 war arrows in the eagle’s claw and 13 leaves on the olive branch.
- President Franklin D. Roosevelt would not travel on the 13th day of any month and would never host 13 guests at a meal.
- The ill-fated Apollo 13 launched at 13:13 CST on 4/11/70. The sum of the date’s digits is 13. The explosion that crippled the spacecraft occurred on April 13th.
- According to the British Medical Journal the risk of a car accident in the UK increases by more than 50% on Friday the 13th.
- the correct name of the Friday the 13th phobia is Paraskevidekatriaphobia. now thats a mouthful!!
Emergency Vet Visit
I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Tigger peed on us while we were sleeping - he hasn't done this since he was a kitten. I thought maybe its just because he's getting older, maybe he's losing some bladder control. I woke Chris up and we quickly started stripping the bed so we could soak them in Nature's Miracle (awesome stuff for getting rid of the enzymes in pet urine). We were going to grab the duvet from the guest bedroom so we could go back to bed, then we noticed that there were cat pee spots all over it too... and some of the spots looked like there was blood in it. I rushed to the litter boxes and sure enough there was blood in the litter. We corralled Tigger into his pet carrier, so he wouldn't pee anywhere else and finished cleaning up the messes. We re-made our bed, put a couple summer weight blankets on. I emailed my work to let them know that I would be late in to work, I knew we had to make an emergency trip to the vet's in the morning. It could be as simple as a bladder infection, but it could also be something very much worse.
We went to the vet practically as soon as it opened. The vet squeezed out a urine sample (it was kinda funny to watch as he made tigger pee onto the examination table) and there was blood in it. We were told it was probably just a bladder infection - crystals in the urine. He gave us some special food and told us to watch him for the next 10 days.
I'm really worried about him, and I don't want him to pee on anything else in the house so as soon as we got home we set up the puppy crate for tigger, with a place to sleep, a litter box and his food dishes. He'll have to be crated whenever we're not there to watch him. Hopefully he'll be able to pee better soon. It looks like he always feels like he has to go... even when there's nothing in there.
We went to the vet practically as soon as it opened. The vet squeezed out a urine sample (it was kinda funny to watch as he made tigger pee onto the examination table) and there was blood in it. We were told it was probably just a bladder infection - crystals in the urine. He gave us some special food and told us to watch him for the next 10 days.
I'm really worried about him, and I don't want him to pee on anything else in the house so as soon as we got home we set up the puppy crate for tigger, with a place to sleep, a litter box and his food dishes. He'll have to be crated whenever we're not there to watch him. Hopefully he'll be able to pee better soon. It looks like he always feels like he has to go... even when there's nothing in there.
This is one of those fun surveys that always pop up everywhere - I borrowed the idea from a friend's blog... I really enjoyed reading her answers... I hope you enjoy mine.
1. IF SOMEONE ASKS "Is this okay?" YOU SAY... My Prerogative - Britney Spears... well well well... that is kinda appropriate... I do like getting things done my way...
2. WHAT WOULD BEST DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONALITY? Highway to Hell - AC/DC... Huh... wow... not sure what to say about that...
3. WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? Nasty - Janet Jackson... so NOT true... SERIOUSLY!!
4. WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE? Karma Chameleon - Culture Club... Teeheehee... yeah, I'm all about the Karma
5. WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? True Colors - Cindi Lauper - Again... so TRUE... I like people to be real and be who they are... I hate plastic 'pretend' people...
6. WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? King of Pain - The Police... Yikes... um I hope that isn't what they think about me... I'm trying to be a nice good person...
7. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN? Devil Inside - INXS... There is a lot of bad in this world so I guess you could say this is true, but I am trying to focus more on the good than the bad
8. WHAT IS 2+2? Enter Sandman - Metallica...well math always did put me to sleep...lol
9. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND? Unbreak my Heart - Toni Braxton... WOW, this is actually right on the spot. That was a frightening coincidence... (shivers)
10. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Rock Lobster - B-52's... I love this song but I don't think it works for this question... lol
11. WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? Survivor - Destiny's Child... So very true... I am a survivor! It seems that no matter what comes at me in my life, I survive it and continue on... wow
12. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Welcome to the Jungle - Guns'N'Roses... Gee wiz, not sure if I'm a Jungle kitty here or not... lol... maybe I'm a sloth or a Toucan...
13. WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Pretty Vegas - INXS... well he is rather pretty to me... and he does want to take me to Vegas... does that count??
14. WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Jump - Van Halen... Well this song is super upbeat and I think it would be great if my parents thought of me like that... Jumping for Joy? or Jumping Mad?? hmmmmmm
15. WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? Kingston Town - UB40... well no I didn't dance to this... I'm not sure why this is still on my play list... I don't really like this song anymore... I should delete it...
16. WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL? Rush Rush - Paula Abdul.... I wonder if I'll die in a car accident where I was speeding or something?? LOL
17. WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? Rhythm is Gonna Get You - Gloria Estefan... Wow... I do love music... I guess there isn't really a song about crafting is there??
18. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET? Love Shack - B-52's... blushing but confused... I don't think I have a secret about that...
19. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Cryin' - Aerpsmith... Well I hope not!
20. WHAT'S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN? Take Me - Papa Roach... doesn't make much sense does it?
21. HOW WILL YOU DIE? Gimme More - Britney Spears... huh... I guess that would depend on what the more was... could be funny...
22. WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET? A New Day Has Come - Celine Dion... wow... that actually seems about right... you can't go back even one day to change how you did something, so the new day would make yesterday final.
23. WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH? Livin' on a Prayer - Bon Jovi... this will probably make some people mad, but I do believe that people who expect God to do everything for you are nuts. I don't believe God has the time or the inclination to do every little thing for us... we should be responsible for being responsible of our lives.
24. WHAT MAKES YOU CRY? Na Na Hey Hey (Kiss Him Goodbye) - Bananarama... this actually has made me cry... ending a relationship is never easy.
25. WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED? I'm Every Woman - Whitney Houston... LOL I guess since I am already married the song only makes it funnier... I suppose every woman wants to get married eventually...
26. WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST? Don't Wanna Lose You - Gloria Estefan... Holey Heck... Losing the people I love the most is EXACTLY what scares the crapola outta me!!
27. DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU? She Drives Me Crazy - Fine Young Cannibals... LOL I bet whoever I'm driving crazy secretly likes me... lol
28. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE? All By Myself - Celine Dion... wow, that's insightful. I think if I could change anything it would be my shyness... I think it held me back from some meaningful relationships that I was too scared to go after.
29. WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW? Broken Home - Papa Roach... I think the fact that I've never really known my birth father has always hurt me. Luckily I have a wonderful step-dad who has always been there for me.
30. WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS? Crazy - Aerosmith... LOL that is such an appropriate title for this post... there were some crazy things in here!!
1. IF SOMEONE ASKS "Is this okay?" YOU SAY... My Prerogative - Britney Spears... well well well... that is kinda appropriate... I do like getting things done my way...
2. WHAT WOULD BEST DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONALITY? Highway to Hell - AC/DC... Huh... wow... not sure what to say about that...
3. WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? Nasty - Janet Jackson... so NOT true... SERIOUSLY!!
4. WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE? Karma Chameleon - Culture Club... Teeheehee... yeah, I'm all about the Karma
5. WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? True Colors - Cindi Lauper - Again... so TRUE... I like people to be real and be who they are... I hate plastic 'pretend' people...
6. WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? King of Pain - The Police... Yikes... um I hope that isn't what they think about me... I'm trying to be a nice good person...
7. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN? Devil Inside - INXS... There is a lot of bad in this world so I guess you could say this is true, but I am trying to focus more on the good than the bad
8. WHAT IS 2+2? Enter Sandman - Metallica...well math always did put me to sleep...lol
9. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND? Unbreak my Heart - Toni Braxton... WOW, this is actually right on the spot. That was a frightening coincidence... (shivers)
10. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Rock Lobster - B-52's... I love this song but I don't think it works for this question... lol
11. WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? Survivor - Destiny's Child... So very true... I am a survivor! It seems that no matter what comes at me in my life, I survive it and continue on... wow
12. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Welcome to the Jungle - Guns'N'Roses... Gee wiz, not sure if I'm a Jungle kitty here or not... lol... maybe I'm a sloth or a Toucan...
13. WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Pretty Vegas - INXS... well he is rather pretty to me... and he does want to take me to Vegas... does that count??
14. WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Jump - Van Halen... Well this song is super upbeat and I think it would be great if my parents thought of me like that... Jumping for Joy? or Jumping Mad?? hmmmmmm
15. WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? Kingston Town - UB40... well no I didn't dance to this... I'm not sure why this is still on my play list... I don't really like this song anymore... I should delete it...
16. WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL? Rush Rush - Paula Abdul.... I wonder if I'll die in a car accident where I was speeding or something?? LOL
17. WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? Rhythm is Gonna Get You - Gloria Estefan... Wow... I do love music... I guess there isn't really a song about crafting is there??
18. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET? Love Shack - B-52's... blushing but confused... I don't think I have a secret about that...
19. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Cryin' - Aerpsmith... Well I hope not!
20. WHAT'S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN? Take Me - Papa Roach... doesn't make much sense does it?
21. HOW WILL YOU DIE? Gimme More - Britney Spears... huh... I guess that would depend on what the more was... could be funny...
22. WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET? A New Day Has Come - Celine Dion... wow... that actually seems about right... you can't go back even one day to change how you did something, so the new day would make yesterday final.
23. WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH? Livin' on a Prayer - Bon Jovi... this will probably make some people mad, but I do believe that people who expect God to do everything for you are nuts. I don't believe God has the time or the inclination to do every little thing for us... we should be responsible for being responsible of our lives.
24. WHAT MAKES YOU CRY? Na Na Hey Hey (Kiss Him Goodbye) - Bananarama... this actually has made me cry... ending a relationship is never easy.
25. WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED? I'm Every Woman - Whitney Houston... LOL I guess since I am already married the song only makes it funnier... I suppose every woman wants to get married eventually...
26. WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST? Don't Wanna Lose You - Gloria Estefan... Holey Heck... Losing the people I love the most is EXACTLY what scares the crapola outta me!!
27. DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU? She Drives Me Crazy - Fine Young Cannibals... LOL I bet whoever I'm driving crazy secretly likes me... lol
28. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE? All By Myself - Celine Dion... wow, that's insightful. I think if I could change anything it would be my shyness... I think it held me back from some meaningful relationships that I was too scared to go after.
29. WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW? Broken Home - Papa Roach... I think the fact that I've never really known my birth father has always hurt me. Luckily I have a wonderful step-dad who has always been there for me.
30. WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS? Crazy - Aerosmith... LOL that is such an appropriate title for this post... there were some crazy things in here!!
Bath day
So... Gizmo has discovered digging... We brought him in after he'd been outside for about 10 minutes and his face and paws were covered in mud and dirt. This is becoming a daily thing for him. The first couple of times it was cute because it wasn't a lot of dirt and it wiped off pretty easily with a towel... tonight however it was so crusted in that the toweling off seemed to make him dirtier.... He smelled like fresh dirt (I secretly love that smell).
Well we had no other option than to give him a bath... he was supposed to get one on the weekend but I got a little busy. Lucky eh? I gave him his bath, which took longer because of the amount of dirt on his face and in his paws... I used the blow drier to make him all fluffy and then I decided to try my hand at grooming/trimming the fur on his face - it has been getting into his eyes and he's not due for grooming for another week or so.
Anyhoo, to make a long bath story shorter... here are some pictures of the finished work. I only wish I'dve had the foresight to take a before shot... it looked like he had a mud goatee... LOL

Well we had no other option than to give him a bath... he was supposed to get one on the weekend but I got a little busy. Lucky eh? I gave him his bath, which took longer because of the amount of dirt on his face and in his paws... I used the blow drier to make him all fluffy and then I decided to try my hand at grooming/trimming the fur on his face - it has been getting into his eyes and he's not due for grooming for another week or so.
Anyhoo, to make a long bath story shorter... here are some pictures of the finished work. I only wish I'dve had the foresight to take a before shot... it looked like he had a mud goatee... LOL
Triangle answer
The answer to the Triangle Puzzle is...........

Well... since that was kinda fun for me to see all of the anwers, I figure I'll ask a question a week... see if my readers are a smart as I think they are!! (I hope they are!! LOL)
I found a really good Trivia Test online and since it gives you the answers at the end I thought it would be really fun for you to try it out! The Quiz
Making treats
Well Valentine's Day is less than a week away so I am busy in the kitchen today making heart shaped chocolate lollipops. I'm going to be making treat bag Valentine's for my co-workers and Chris' co-workers. I think its going pretty great especially as I can't seem to find my chocolate paint brushes and have resorted to putting the melted chocolate in a sandwich bag with a small hole in it. I think I will have to stop in at Michael's after work tomorrow and pick one up so I can paint the coloured chocolate more easily!!
I'll post some pictures later this week once I'm finished with them.
I'll post some pictures later this week once I'm finished with them.
I was watching some movies on tv today when I came across a movie I hadn't seen in a long time - The Quiet Man (starring John Wayne). When it cut to commercial, it started an ad for all of the past oscar winning movies that they would be playing this month. I thought that was pretty cool... especially as some of my favorite 'old' movies were in the list LOL...
Here's a list of all of the winners and nominees of Best Picture (includes this years nominees) The winner is first followed by the other nominees for Best Picture. I was surprised to find that I have watched a lot of Oscar worthy movies - even going back into the 1930's. Take a look and see if you can recognize any of your favorites...
1927-1928 (Best Production) Wings - Paramount Famous Players-Lasky
The Racket - Caddo, United Artists
Seventh Heaven - Fox
1928-1929 The Broadway Melody - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Alibi - Feature Productions, United Artists
The Hollywood Revue of 1929 - MGM
In Old Arizona - Fox
The Patriot - Paramount
1929-1930 All Quiet on the Western Front - Universal
The Big House - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Disraeli - Warner Bros.
The Divorcee - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Love Parade - Paramount
1930-1931 Cimarron - RKO Radio
East Lynne - Fox
The Front Page - Caddo, United Artists
Skippy - Paramount
Trader Horn - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
1931-1932 Grand Hotel - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Arrowsmith - Goldwyn, United Artists
Bad Girl - Fox
The Champ - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Five Star Final - First National
One Hour with You - Paramount
Shanghai Express - Paramount
The Smiling Lieutenant - Paramount
1932-1933 Cavalcade - Fox
42nd Street - Warner Bros.
A Farewell to Arms - Paramount
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang - Warner Bros.
Lady for a Day - Columbia
Little Women - RKO Radio
The Private Life of Henry VIII - London Films, United Artists
She Done Him Wrong - Paramount
Smilin' Through - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
State Fair - Fox
1934 It Happened One Night - Columbia
The Barretts of Wimpole Street - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Cleopatra - Paramount
Flirtation Walk - First National
The Gay Divorcee - RKO Radio
Here Comes the Navy - Warner Bros.
The House of Rothschild - Twentieth Century Pictures, United Artists
Imitation of Life - Universal
One Night of Love - Columbia
The Thin Man - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Viva Villa! - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The White Parade - Fox
1935 Mutiny on the Bounty - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Alice Adams - RKO Radio
Broadway Melody of 1936 - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Captain Blood - Warner Bros.
David Copperfield - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Informer - RKO Radio
The Lives of a Bengal Lancer - Paramount -
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Warner Bros.
Les Misérables - Twentieth Century Pictures, United Artists
Naughty Marietta - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Ruggles of Red Gap - Paramount
Top Hat - RKO Radio
1936 The Great Ziegfeld - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Anthony Adverse - Warner Bros.
Dodsworth - Goldwyn, United Artists
Libeled Lady - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town - Columbia
Romeo and Juliet - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
San Francisco - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Story of Louis Pasteur - Warner Bros.
A Tale of Two Cities - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Three Smart Girls - Universal
1937 The Life of Emile Zola - Warner Bros.
The Awful Truth - Columbia
Captains Courageous - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Dead End - Goldwyn, United Artists
The Good Earth - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
In Old Chicago - 20th Century-Fox
Lost Horizon - Columbia
One Hundred Men and a Girl - Universal
Stage Door - RKO Radio
A Star Is Born - Selznick International, United Artists
1938 You Can't Take It with You - Columbia
The Adventures of Robin Hood - Warner Bros.
Alexander's Ragtime Band - 20th Century-Fox
Boys Town - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Citadel - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Four Daughters - Warner Bros.-First National
Grand Illusion (La Grande illusion) - R. A. O., World Pictures
Jezebel - Warner Bros.
Pygmalion - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Test Pilot - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
1939 Gone with the Wind - Selznick, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Dark Victory - Warner Bros.
Goodbye, Mr. Chips - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Love Affair - RKO Radio
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington - Columbia
Ninotchka - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Of Mice and Men - Roach, United Artists
Stagecoach - United Artists
The Wizard of Oz - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Wuthering Heights - Goldwyn, United Artists
1940 Rebecca - Selznick, United Artists
All This, and Heaven Too - Warner Bros.
Foreign Correspondent - Wanger, United Artists
The Grapes of Wrath - 20th Century-Fox
The Great Dictator - Chaplin, United Artists
Kitty Foyle - RKO Radio
The Letter - Warner Bros.
The Long Voyage Home
Our Town - Lesser, United Artists
The Philadelphia Story - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
1941 How Green Was My Valley - 20th Century-Fox
Blossoms in the Dust - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Citizen Kane - RKO
Here Comes Mr. Jordan - Columbia
Hold Back the Dawn - Paramount
The Little Foxes - Goldwyn, RKO Radio
The Maltese Falcon - Warner Bros.
One Foot In Heaven - Warner Bros.
Sergeant York - Warner Bros.
Suspicion - RKO Radio
1942 Mrs. Miniver - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
49th Parallel - Ortus, Columbia
King's Row - Warner Bros.
The Magnificent Ambersons - Mercury, RKO Radio
The Pied Piper - 20th Century-Fox
The Pride of the Yankees - Goldwyn, RKO Radio
Random Harvest - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Talk of the Town - Columbia
Wake Island - Paramount
Yankee Doodle Dandy - Warner Bros.
1943 Casablanca - Warner Bros.
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Paramount
Heaven Can Wait - 20th Century-Fox -
The Human Comedy - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
In Which We Serve - Two Cities, United Artists
Madame Curie - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The More the Merrier - Columbia -
The Ox-Bow Incident - 20th Century-Fox
The Song of Bernadette - 20th Century-Fox
Watch on the Rhine - Warner Bros.
1944 Going My Way - Paramount
Double Indemnity - Paramount
Gaslight - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Since You Went Away - Selznick, United Artists
1945 The Lost Weekend - Paramount
Anchors Aweigh - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Bells of St. Mary's - RKO Radio
Mildred Pierce - Warner Bros.
Spellbound - United Artists
1946 The Best Years of Our Lives - RKO Radio
Henry V - United Artists
It's a Wonderful Life - RKO Radio
The Razor's Edge - 20th Century-Fox
The Yearling - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
1947 Gentleman's Agreement - 20th Century-Fox
The Bishop's Wife - RKO Radio
Crossfire - RKO Radio
Great Expectations - Rank-Cineguild, U-I
Miracle on 34th Street - 20th Century-Fox
1948 Hamlet - J. Arthur Rank-Two Cities Films, U-I -
Johnny Belinda - Warner Bros.
The Red Shoes - Rank-Archers, Eagle-Lion
The Snake Pit - 20th Century-Fox
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - Warner Bros.
1949 All the King's Men - Rossen, Columbia
Battleground - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Heiress - Paramount
A Letter to Three Wives - 20th Century-Fox
Twelve O'Clock High - 20th Century-Fox
1950 All About Eve - 20th Century-Fox
Born Yesterday - Columbia
Father of the Bride - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
King Solomon's Mines - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Sunset Boulevard - Paramount
1951 An American in Paris - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Decision Before Dawn - 20th Century-Fox
A Place in the Sun - Paramount
Quo Vadis - Metro-Goldwyn-Maye
A Streetcar Named Desire - Warner Bros.
1952 The Greatest Show on Earth - Paramount
High Noon - United Artists
Ivanhoe - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Moulin Rouge - United Artists
The Quiet Man - Republic
1953 From Here to Eternity - Columbia
Julius Caesar - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Robe - 20th Century-Fox
Roman Holiday - Paramount
Shane - Paramount
1954 On the Waterfront - Columbia
The Caine Mutiny - Columbia
The Country Girl - Paramount
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Three Coins in the Fountain - 20th Century-Fox
1955 Marty - United Artists
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing - 20th Century-Fox
Mister Roberts - Warner Bros.
Picnic - Columbia
The Rose Tattoo - Paramount
1956 Around the World in Eighty Days - United Artists
Friendly Persuasion - Allied Artists
Giant - Warner Bros.
The King and I - 20th Century-Fox
The Ten Commandments - Paramount
1957 The Bridge on the River Kwai - Columbia
Peyton Place - 20th Century-Fox
Sayonara - Warner Bros.
12 Angry Men - United Artists
Witness for the Prosecution - United Artists
1958 Gigi - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Auntie Mame - Warner Bros.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Defiant Ones - Kramer, United Artists
Separate Tables - United Artists
1959 Ben-Hur - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Anatomy of a Murder - Columbia
The Diary of Anne Frank - 20th Century-Fox
The Nun's Story - Warner Bros.
Room at the Top - Continental
1960 The Apartment - United Artists
The Alamo - United Artists
Elmer Gantry - United Artists
Sons and Lovers - 20th Century-Fox
The Sundowners - Warner Bros
1961 West Side Story - United Artists
Fanny - Warner Bros.
The Guns of Navarone - Columbia
The Hustler - 20th Century-Fox
Judgment at Nuremberg - United Artists
1962 Lawrence of Arabia - Columbia
The Longest Day - 20th Century-Fox
The Music Man - Warner Bros.
Mutiny on the Bounty - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
To Kill a Mockingbird - U-I
1963 Tom Jones - United Artists
America, America - Warner Bros.
Cleopatra - 20th Century-Fox
How the West Was Won - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Cinerama
Lilies of the Field - United Artists
1964 My Fair Lady - Warner Bros.
Becket - Paramount
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb - Columbia
Mary Poppins - Disney, Buena Vista
Zorba the Greek - 20th Century-Fox
1965 The Sound of Music - 20th Century-Fox
Darling - Embassy
Doctor Zhivago - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Ship of Fools - Columbia
A Thousand Clowns - United Artists
1966 A Man for All Seasons - Columbia
Alfie - Paramount
The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming - United Artists
The Sand Pebbles - 20th Century-Fox
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - Warner Bros.
1967 In the Heat of the Night - United Artists
Bonnie and Clyde - Warner Bros.-Seven Arts
Doctor Dolittle - 20th Century-Fox
The Graduate - Embassy
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner - Columbia
1968 Oliver! - Columbia
Funny Girl - Columbia
The Lion in Winter - Avco Embassy
Rachel, Rachel - Warner Bros.
Romeo and Juliet - Paramount
1969 Midnight Cowboy - United Artists
Anne of the Thousand Days - Universal
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - 20th Century-Fox
Hello, Dolly! - 20th Century-Fox
Z - Cinema V
1970 Patton - 20th Century-Fox
Airport - Universal
Five Easy Pieces - Columbia
Love Story - Paramount
MASH - 20th Century-Fox
1971 The French Connection - 20th Century-Fox
A Clockwork Orange - Warner Bros.
Fiddler on the Roof - United Artists
The Last Picture Show - Columbia
Nicholas and Alexandra - Columbia
1972 The Godfather - Paramount
Cabaret - Allied Artists
Deliverance - Warner Bros.
Sounder - 20th Century-Fox
The Emigrants (Utvandrarna) - Warner Bros. (Swedish)
1973 The Sting - Universal
American Graffiti - Universal
The Exorcist - Warner Bros.
A Touch of Class - Avco Embassy
Cries and Whispers - New World Pictures (Swedish)
1974 The Godfather Part II - Paramount
Chinatown - Paramount
The Conversation - Paramount
Lenny - United Artists
The Towering Inferno - 20th Century-Fox/Warner Bros.
1975 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - United Artists
Barry Lyndon - Warner Bros.
Dog Day Afternoon - Warner Bros.
Jaws - Universal
Nashville - Paramount
1976 Rocky - United Artists
All the President's Men - Warner Bros
Bound for Glory - United Artists
Network - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists
Taxi Driver - Columbia
1977 Annie Hall - United Artists
The Goodbye Girl - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Warner Bros.
Julia - 20th Century-Fox
Star Wars - 20th Century-Fox
The Turning Point - 20th Century-Fox
1978 The Deer Hunter - Universal
Coming Home - United Artists
Heaven Can Wait - Paramount
Midnight Express - Columbia
An Unmarried Woman - 20th Century-Fox
1979 Kramer vs. Kramer - Columbia
Apocalypse Now - United Artists
All That Jazz - 20th Century-Fox
Breaking Away - 20th Century-Fox
Norma Rae - 20th Century-Fox
1980 Ordinary People - Paramount
Coal Miner's Daughter - Universal
The Elephant Man - Paramount
Raging Bull - United Artists
Tess - Columbia
1981 Chariots of Fire - The Ladd Company/Warner Bros.
Reds - Paramount
Atlantic City - Paramount
On Golden Pond - ITC Films
Raiders of the Lost Ark - Paramount
1982 Gandhi - Columbia
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Missing - Universal
Tootsie - Columbia
The Verdict - 20th Century Fox
1983 Terms of Endearment - Paramount
The Big Chill - Columbia
The Dresser - Columbia
The Right Stuff - The Ladd Company/Warner Bros.
Tender Mercies - Universal/AFD
1984 Amadeus - Orion - Saul Zaentz
The Killing Fields - Warner Bros.
A Passage to India - Columbia
Places in the Heart - Tri-Star
A Soldier's Story - Columbia
1985 Out of Africa - Universal
The Color Purple - Warner Bros.
Kiss of the Spider Woman - Island Alive
Prizzi's Honor - ABC Motion Pictures, 20th Century Fox
Witness - Paramount
1986 Platoon - Orion
Children of a Lesser God - Paramount
Hannah and Her Sisters - Orion
The Mission - Warner Bros.
A Room with a View - Cinecom
1987 The Last Emperor (末代皇帝) - Columbia
Broadcast News - 20th Century-Fox
Fatal Attraction - Paramount
Hope and Glory - Columbia
Moonstruck - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
1988 Rain Man - United Artists
The Accidental Tourist - Warner Bros.
Dangerous Liaisons - Warner Bros.
Mississippi Burning - Orion
Working Girl - 20th Century Fox
1989 Driving Miss Daisy - Warner Bros.
Born on the Fourth of July - Universal
Dead Poets Society - Touchstone Pictures
Field of Dreams - Universal
My Left Foot - Miramax
1990 Dances with Wolves - Orion
Awakenings - Columbia
Ghost - Paramount
The Godfather Part III - Paramount
Goodfellas - Warner Bros.
1991 The Silence of the Lambs - Orion
Beauty and the Beast - Walt Disney Pictures
Bugsy - TriStar
JFK - Warner Bros
The Prince of Tides - Columbia
1992 Unforgiven - Warner Bros.
The Crying Game - Miramax
A Few Good Men - Castle Rock Entertainment, Columbia
Howards End - Sony Pictures Classics
Scent of a Woman - Universal
1993 Schindler's List - Universal
The Fugitive - Warner Bros
In the Name of the Father - Universal
The Piano - Miramax
The Remains of the Day - Columbia
1994 Forrest Gump - Paramount
Four Weddings and a Funeral - PolyGram Filmed Entertainment,
Pulp Fiction - Miramax
Quiz Show - Hollywood Pictures
The Shawshank Redemption - Castle Rock Entertainment, Columbia
1995 Braveheart - Paramount
Apollo 13 - Imagine Entertainment, Universal
Babe - Universal
Il Postino (The Postman) - Miramax
Sense and Sensibility
1996- The English Patient - Miramax
Fargo - Gramercy Pictures
Jerry Maguire - TriStar
Secrets & Lies - October Films
Shine - Fine Line Features
1997 Titanic - Paramount, 20th Century Fox
As Good as It Gets - TriStar
The Full Monty - Fox Searchlight
Good Will Hunting - Miramax
L.A. Confidential - Warner Bros.
1998 Shakespeare in Love - Miramax, Universal
Elizabeth - PolyGram Filmed Entertainment
Life Is Beautiful (La vita è bella) - Miramax
Saving Private Ryan - DreamWorks SKG, Paramount
The Thin Red Line - 20th Century Fox
1999 American Beauty - DreamWorks SKG
The Cider House Rules - Miramax
The Green Mile - Castle Rock Entertainment, Warner Bros.
The Insider - Touchstone Pictures
The Sixth Sense - Hollywood Pictures
2000 Gladiator - DreamWorks & Universal
Chocolat - Miramax
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ( 臥虎藏龍 or Wo hu cang long) - Sony Pictures ClassicsErin Brockovich - Universal & Columbia
Traffic - USA Films
2001 A Beautiful Mind - Universal & DreamWorks
Gosford Park - USA Films
In the Bedroom - Miramax
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - New Line & Warner Bros.
Moulin Rouge! - 20th Century Fox
2002 Chicago - Miramax
Gangs of New York - Miramax
The Hours - Paramount & Miramax
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - New Line & Warner Bros.
The Pianist - Focus Features
2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - New Line Cinema
Lost in Translation - Focus Features
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World - 20th Century Fox, Miramax & Universal
Mystic River - Warner Bro's.
Seabiscuit - Universal, DreamWorks
2004 Million Dollar Baby - Warner Bros.
The Aviator - Miramax & Warner Bros.
Finding Neverland - Miramax
Ray - Universal
Sideways - Fox Searchlight
2005 Crash - Lions Gate
Brokeback Mountain - Focus Features
Capote - United Artists & Sony Pictures Classics
Good Night, and Good Luck - Warner Bros.
Munich - DreamWorks & Universal
2006 The Departed - Warner Bros.
Babel - Paramount Vantage
Letters from Iwo Jima - Warner Bros.
Little Miss Sunshine - Fox Searchlight
The Queen - Miramax
2007 No Country for Old Men - Miramax & Paramount Vantage
Atonement - Focus Features
Juno - Fox Searchlight
Michael Clayton - Warner Bros.
There Will Be Blood - Paramount Vantage & Miramax
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Paramount & Warner Bros.
Frost/Nixon - Universal
Milk - Focus Features
The Reader - MGM, The Weinstein Company
Slumdog Millionaire - Warner Independent Pictures
Here's a list of all of the winners and nominees of Best Picture (includes this years nominees) The winner is first followed by the other nominees for Best Picture. I was surprised to find that I have watched a lot of Oscar worthy movies - even going back into the 1930's. Take a look and see if you can recognize any of your favorites...
1927-1928 (Best Production) Wings - Paramount Famous Players-Lasky
The Racket - Caddo, United Artists
Seventh Heaven - Fox
1928-1929 The Broadway Melody - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Alibi - Feature Productions, United Artists
The Hollywood Revue of 1929 - MGM
In Old Arizona - Fox
The Patriot - Paramount
1929-1930 All Quiet on the Western Front - Universal
The Big House - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Disraeli - Warner Bros.
The Divorcee - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Love Parade - Paramount
1930-1931 Cimarron - RKO Radio
East Lynne - Fox
The Front Page - Caddo, United Artists
Skippy - Paramount
Trader Horn - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
1931-1932 Grand Hotel - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Arrowsmith - Goldwyn, United Artists
Bad Girl - Fox
The Champ - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Five Star Final - First National
One Hour with You - Paramount
Shanghai Express - Paramount
The Smiling Lieutenant - Paramount
1932-1933 Cavalcade - Fox
42nd Street - Warner Bros.
A Farewell to Arms - Paramount
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang - Warner Bros.
Lady for a Day - Columbia
Little Women - RKO Radio
The Private Life of Henry VIII - London Films, United Artists
She Done Him Wrong - Paramount
Smilin' Through - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
State Fair - Fox
1934 It Happened One Night - Columbia
The Barretts of Wimpole Street - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Cleopatra - Paramount
Flirtation Walk - First National
The Gay Divorcee - RKO Radio
Here Comes the Navy - Warner Bros.
The House of Rothschild - Twentieth Century Pictures, United Artists
Imitation of Life - Universal
One Night of Love - Columbia
The Thin Man - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Viva Villa! - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The White Parade - Fox
1935 Mutiny on the Bounty - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Alice Adams - RKO Radio
Broadway Melody of 1936 - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Captain Blood - Warner Bros.
David Copperfield - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Informer - RKO Radio
The Lives of a Bengal Lancer - Paramount -
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Warner Bros.
Les Misérables - Twentieth Century Pictures, United Artists
Naughty Marietta - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Ruggles of Red Gap - Paramount
Top Hat - RKO Radio
1936 The Great Ziegfeld - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Anthony Adverse - Warner Bros.
Dodsworth - Goldwyn, United Artists
Libeled Lady - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town - Columbia
Romeo and Juliet - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
San Francisco - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Story of Louis Pasteur - Warner Bros.
A Tale of Two Cities - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Three Smart Girls - Universal
1937 The Life of Emile Zola - Warner Bros.
The Awful Truth - Columbia
Captains Courageous - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Dead End - Goldwyn, United Artists
The Good Earth - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
In Old Chicago - 20th Century-Fox
Lost Horizon - Columbia
One Hundred Men and a Girl - Universal
Stage Door - RKO Radio
A Star Is Born - Selznick International, United Artists
1938 You Can't Take It with You - Columbia
The Adventures of Robin Hood - Warner Bros.
Alexander's Ragtime Band - 20th Century-Fox
Boys Town - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Citadel - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Four Daughters - Warner Bros.-First National
Grand Illusion (La Grande illusion) - R. A. O., World Pictures
Jezebel - Warner Bros.
Pygmalion - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Test Pilot - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
1939 Gone with the Wind - Selznick, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Dark Victory - Warner Bros.
Goodbye, Mr. Chips - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Love Affair - RKO Radio
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington - Columbia
Ninotchka - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Of Mice and Men - Roach, United Artists
Stagecoach - United Artists
The Wizard of Oz - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Wuthering Heights - Goldwyn, United Artists
1940 Rebecca - Selznick, United Artists
All This, and Heaven Too - Warner Bros.
Foreign Correspondent - Wanger, United Artists
The Grapes of Wrath - 20th Century-Fox
The Great Dictator - Chaplin, United Artists
Kitty Foyle - RKO Radio
The Letter - Warner Bros.
The Long Voyage Home
Our Town - Lesser, United Artists
The Philadelphia Story - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
1941 How Green Was My Valley - 20th Century-Fox
Blossoms in the Dust - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Citizen Kane - RKO
Here Comes Mr. Jordan - Columbia
Hold Back the Dawn - Paramount
The Little Foxes - Goldwyn, RKO Radio
The Maltese Falcon - Warner Bros.
One Foot In Heaven - Warner Bros.
Sergeant York - Warner Bros.
Suspicion - RKO Radio
1942 Mrs. Miniver - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
49th Parallel - Ortus, Columbia
King's Row - Warner Bros.
The Magnificent Ambersons - Mercury, RKO Radio
The Pied Piper - 20th Century-Fox
The Pride of the Yankees - Goldwyn, RKO Radio
Random Harvest - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Talk of the Town - Columbia
Wake Island - Paramount
Yankee Doodle Dandy - Warner Bros.
1943 Casablanca - Warner Bros.
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Paramount
Heaven Can Wait - 20th Century-Fox -
The Human Comedy - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
In Which We Serve - Two Cities, United Artists
Madame Curie - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The More the Merrier - Columbia -
The Ox-Bow Incident - 20th Century-Fox
The Song of Bernadette - 20th Century-Fox
Watch on the Rhine - Warner Bros.
1944 Going My Way - Paramount
Double Indemnity - Paramount
Gaslight - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Since You Went Away - Selznick, United Artists
1945 The Lost Weekend - Paramount
Anchors Aweigh - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Bells of St. Mary's - RKO Radio
Mildred Pierce - Warner Bros.
Spellbound - United Artists
1946 The Best Years of Our Lives - RKO Radio
Henry V - United Artists
It's a Wonderful Life - RKO Radio
The Razor's Edge - 20th Century-Fox
The Yearling - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
1947 Gentleman's Agreement - 20th Century-Fox
The Bishop's Wife - RKO Radio
Crossfire - RKO Radio
Great Expectations - Rank-Cineguild, U-I
Miracle on 34th Street - 20th Century-Fox
1948 Hamlet - J. Arthur Rank-Two Cities Films, U-I -
Johnny Belinda - Warner Bros.
The Red Shoes - Rank-Archers, Eagle-Lion
The Snake Pit - 20th Century-Fox
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - Warner Bros.
1949 All the King's Men - Rossen, Columbia
Battleground - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Heiress - Paramount
A Letter to Three Wives - 20th Century-Fox
Twelve O'Clock High - 20th Century-Fox
1950 All About Eve - 20th Century-Fox
Born Yesterday - Columbia
Father of the Bride - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
King Solomon's Mines - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Sunset Boulevard - Paramount
1951 An American in Paris - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Decision Before Dawn - 20th Century-Fox
A Place in the Sun - Paramount
Quo Vadis - Metro-Goldwyn-Maye
A Streetcar Named Desire - Warner Bros.
1952 The Greatest Show on Earth - Paramount
High Noon - United Artists
Ivanhoe - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Moulin Rouge - United Artists
The Quiet Man - Republic
1953 From Here to Eternity - Columbia
Julius Caesar - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Robe - 20th Century-Fox
Roman Holiday - Paramount
Shane - Paramount
1954 On the Waterfront - Columbia
The Caine Mutiny - Columbia
The Country Girl - Paramount
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Three Coins in the Fountain - 20th Century-Fox
1955 Marty - United Artists
Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing - 20th Century-Fox
Mister Roberts - Warner Bros.
Picnic - Columbia
The Rose Tattoo - Paramount
1956 Around the World in Eighty Days - United Artists
Friendly Persuasion - Allied Artists
Giant - Warner Bros.
The King and I - 20th Century-Fox
The Ten Commandments - Paramount
1957 The Bridge on the River Kwai - Columbia
Peyton Place - 20th Century-Fox
Sayonara - Warner Bros.
12 Angry Men - United Artists
Witness for the Prosecution - United Artists
1958 Gigi - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Auntie Mame - Warner Bros.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Defiant Ones - Kramer, United Artists
Separate Tables - United Artists
1959 Ben-Hur - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Anatomy of a Murder - Columbia
The Diary of Anne Frank - 20th Century-Fox
The Nun's Story - Warner Bros.
Room at the Top - Continental
1960 The Apartment - United Artists
The Alamo - United Artists
Elmer Gantry - United Artists
Sons and Lovers - 20th Century-Fox
The Sundowners - Warner Bros
1961 West Side Story - United Artists
Fanny - Warner Bros.
The Guns of Navarone - Columbia
The Hustler - 20th Century-Fox
Judgment at Nuremberg - United Artists
1962 Lawrence of Arabia - Columbia
The Longest Day - 20th Century-Fox
The Music Man - Warner Bros.
Mutiny on the Bounty - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
To Kill a Mockingbird - U-I
1963 Tom Jones - United Artists
America, America - Warner Bros.
Cleopatra - 20th Century-Fox
How the West Was Won - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Cinerama
Lilies of the Field - United Artists
1964 My Fair Lady - Warner Bros.
Becket - Paramount
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb - Columbia
Mary Poppins - Disney, Buena Vista
Zorba the Greek - 20th Century-Fox
1965 The Sound of Music - 20th Century-Fox
Darling - Embassy
Doctor Zhivago - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Ship of Fools - Columbia
A Thousand Clowns - United Artists
1966 A Man for All Seasons - Columbia
Alfie - Paramount
The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming - United Artists
The Sand Pebbles - 20th Century-Fox
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - Warner Bros.
1967 In the Heat of the Night - United Artists
Bonnie and Clyde - Warner Bros.-Seven Arts
Doctor Dolittle - 20th Century-Fox
The Graduate - Embassy
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner - Columbia
1968 Oliver! - Columbia
Funny Girl - Columbia
The Lion in Winter - Avco Embassy
Rachel, Rachel - Warner Bros.
Romeo and Juliet - Paramount
1969 Midnight Cowboy - United Artists
Anne of the Thousand Days - Universal
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - 20th Century-Fox
Hello, Dolly! - 20th Century-Fox
Z - Cinema V
1970 Patton - 20th Century-Fox
Airport - Universal
Five Easy Pieces - Columbia
Love Story - Paramount
MASH - 20th Century-Fox
1971 The French Connection - 20th Century-Fox
A Clockwork Orange - Warner Bros.
Fiddler on the Roof - United Artists
The Last Picture Show - Columbia
Nicholas and Alexandra - Columbia
1972 The Godfather - Paramount
Cabaret - Allied Artists
Deliverance - Warner Bros.
Sounder - 20th Century-Fox
The Emigrants (Utvandrarna) - Warner Bros. (Swedish)
1973 The Sting - Universal
American Graffiti - Universal
The Exorcist - Warner Bros.
A Touch of Class - Avco Embassy
Cries and Whispers - New World Pictures (Swedish)
1974 The Godfather Part II - Paramount
Chinatown - Paramount
The Conversation - Paramount
Lenny - United Artists
The Towering Inferno - 20th Century-Fox/Warner Bros.
1975 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - United Artists
Barry Lyndon - Warner Bros.
Dog Day Afternoon - Warner Bros.
Jaws - Universal
Nashville - Paramount
1976 Rocky - United Artists
All the President's Men - Warner Bros
Bound for Glory - United Artists
Network - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists
Taxi Driver - Columbia
1977 Annie Hall - United Artists
The Goodbye Girl - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Warner Bros.
Julia - 20th Century-Fox
Star Wars - 20th Century-Fox
The Turning Point - 20th Century-Fox
1978 The Deer Hunter - Universal
Coming Home - United Artists
Heaven Can Wait - Paramount
Midnight Express - Columbia
An Unmarried Woman - 20th Century-Fox
1979 Kramer vs. Kramer - Columbia
Apocalypse Now - United Artists
All That Jazz - 20th Century-Fox
Breaking Away - 20th Century-Fox
Norma Rae - 20th Century-Fox
1980 Ordinary People - Paramount
Coal Miner's Daughter - Universal
The Elephant Man - Paramount
Raging Bull - United Artists
Tess - Columbia
1981 Chariots of Fire - The Ladd Company/Warner Bros.
Reds - Paramount
Atlantic City - Paramount
On Golden Pond - ITC Films
Raiders of the Lost Ark - Paramount
1982 Gandhi - Columbia
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Missing - Universal
Tootsie - Columbia
The Verdict - 20th Century Fox
1983 Terms of Endearment - Paramount
The Big Chill - Columbia
The Dresser - Columbia
The Right Stuff - The Ladd Company/Warner Bros.
Tender Mercies - Universal/AFD
1984 Amadeus - Orion - Saul Zaentz
The Killing Fields - Warner Bros.
A Passage to India - Columbia
Places in the Heart - Tri-Star
A Soldier's Story - Columbia
1985 Out of Africa - Universal
The Color Purple - Warner Bros.
Kiss of the Spider Woman - Island Alive
Prizzi's Honor - ABC Motion Pictures, 20th Century Fox
Witness - Paramount
1986 Platoon - Orion
Children of a Lesser God - Paramount
Hannah and Her Sisters - Orion
The Mission - Warner Bros.
A Room with a View - Cinecom
1987 The Last Emperor (末代皇帝) - Columbia
Broadcast News - 20th Century-Fox
Fatal Attraction - Paramount
Hope and Glory - Columbia
Moonstruck - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
1988 Rain Man - United Artists
The Accidental Tourist - Warner Bros.
Dangerous Liaisons - Warner Bros.
Mississippi Burning - Orion
Working Girl - 20th Century Fox
1989 Driving Miss Daisy - Warner Bros.
Born on the Fourth of July - Universal
Dead Poets Society - Touchstone Pictures
Field of Dreams - Universal
My Left Foot - Miramax
1990 Dances with Wolves - Orion
Awakenings - Columbia
Ghost - Paramount
The Godfather Part III - Paramount
Goodfellas - Warner Bros.
1991 The Silence of the Lambs - Orion
Beauty and the Beast - Walt Disney Pictures
Bugsy - TriStar
JFK - Warner Bros
The Prince of Tides - Columbia
1992 Unforgiven - Warner Bros.
The Crying Game - Miramax
A Few Good Men - Castle Rock Entertainment, Columbia
Howards End - Sony Pictures Classics
Scent of a Woman - Universal
1993 Schindler's List - Universal
The Fugitive - Warner Bros
In the Name of the Father - Universal
The Piano - Miramax
The Remains of the Day - Columbia
1994 Forrest Gump - Paramount
Four Weddings and a Funeral - PolyGram Filmed Entertainment,
Pulp Fiction - Miramax
Quiz Show - Hollywood Pictures
The Shawshank Redemption - Castle Rock Entertainment, Columbia
1995 Braveheart - Paramount
Apollo 13 - Imagine Entertainment, Universal
Babe - Universal
Il Postino (The Postman) - Miramax
Sense and Sensibility
1996- The English Patient - Miramax
Fargo - Gramercy Pictures
Jerry Maguire - TriStar
Secrets & Lies - October Films
Shine - Fine Line Features
1997 Titanic - Paramount, 20th Century Fox
As Good as It Gets - TriStar
The Full Monty - Fox Searchlight
Good Will Hunting - Miramax
L.A. Confidential - Warner Bros.
1998 Shakespeare in Love - Miramax, Universal
Elizabeth - PolyGram Filmed Entertainment
Life Is Beautiful (La vita è bella) - Miramax
Saving Private Ryan - DreamWorks SKG, Paramount
The Thin Red Line - 20th Century Fox
1999 American Beauty - DreamWorks SKG
The Cider House Rules - Miramax
The Green Mile - Castle Rock Entertainment, Warner Bros.
The Insider - Touchstone Pictures
The Sixth Sense - Hollywood Pictures
2000 Gladiator - DreamWorks & Universal
Chocolat - Miramax
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ( 臥虎藏龍 or Wo hu cang long) - Sony Pictures ClassicsErin Brockovich - Universal & Columbia
Traffic - USA Films
2001 A Beautiful Mind - Universal & DreamWorks
Gosford Park - USA Films
In the Bedroom - Miramax
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - New Line & Warner Bros.
Moulin Rouge! - 20th Century Fox
2002 Chicago - Miramax
Gangs of New York - Miramax
The Hours - Paramount & Miramax
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - New Line & Warner Bros.
The Pianist - Focus Features
2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - New Line Cinema
Lost in Translation - Focus Features
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World - 20th Century Fox, Miramax & Universal
Mystic River - Warner Bro's.
Seabiscuit - Universal, DreamWorks
2004 Million Dollar Baby - Warner Bros.
The Aviator - Miramax & Warner Bros.
Finding Neverland - Miramax
Ray - Universal
Sideways - Fox Searchlight
2005 Crash - Lions Gate
Brokeback Mountain - Focus Features
Capote - United Artists & Sony Pictures Classics
Good Night, and Good Luck - Warner Bros.
Munich - DreamWorks & Universal
2006 The Departed - Warner Bros.
Babel - Paramount Vantage
Letters from Iwo Jima - Warner Bros.
Little Miss Sunshine - Fox Searchlight
The Queen - Miramax
2007 No Country for Old Men - Miramax & Paramount Vantage
Atonement - Focus Features
Juno - Fox Searchlight
Michael Clayton - Warner Bros.
There Will Be Blood - Paramount Vantage & Miramax
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Paramount & Warner Bros.
Frost/Nixon - Universal
Milk - Focus Features
The Reader - MGM, The Weinstein Company
Slumdog Millionaire - Warner Independent Pictures
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