There are people in this world that have a happy expression on their faces all the time... I used to be one of them and I'm trying really hard to get myself back there! So now everytime I see a happy-tastic person I get a little green around the gills so to speak.
I'm trying to figure out what is different in my life now. Comparing the sublimely happy me to the me that I am right now.
Now don't get me wrong... I am NOT a sadsack or depressed, I'm just not as happy-go-lucky as I used to be.
Maybe its the weather - I mean its almost April and we still have a lot of snow on the ground... oh yeah and its snowing right now!!! ewww
Maybe once its warmer and I can spend a lot more time outdoors it'll be better... but come on!! I LIVE in CANADA!!! 2/3's of our year is crap weather!! we really only get from maybe May-September with warmish weather... that's only FOUR months of joy! But I hope this year I remember to take advantage of the joy of the Big Blue Room... Plus we're going on a cruise at the end of September to Hawaii so thats some more cause for happy-happy!!
Thinking about the past... I used to really get a lot of joy out of crafts and baking and that sort of thing... so I think my plans for the weekend will include finding my breadmaker, baking some awesome raisin bread, cleaning up my craft room and making something awesome.... I think I'll call my mom too... She's super awesome!! I'll call my sister too... She's so great!!
Well... this was a weird post, but I'm glad its out there! It looks like I have a plan... I like plans! Now all I need is a checklist... I like checklists... makes it feel like you've gotten so much accomplished... :P
If you hold everything inside you it ends up festering and exploding in your face later. It's a much better idea to let it out into the world where you can see it from many different angles. That's what this blog is for me. There will be happy, sad, mad and weird posts here. Sometimes regularly, sometimes not.
Happy Birthday
wow... my neice is 18 today...
I knew it would happen, I just keep saying wow, with a dumbfounded look on my face... I mean really... wasn't she just a little baby like yesterday???
I'll find some pictures from her life and post them... she is such an awesome gal!!
I love you Kimmy!! You will always be a little girl to me! Happy 18th Birthday!
I knew it would happen, I just keep saying wow, with a dumbfounded look on my face... I mean really... wasn't she just a little baby like yesterday???
I'll find some pictures from her life and post them... she is such an awesome gal!!
I love you Kimmy!! You will always be a little girl to me! Happy 18th Birthday!
trouble sleeping
I know this reeks of randomness... but I just have to ask...
Did you have trouble sleeping last night??
My hubby and I did... it was so weird! Went to bed at 10... tossed and turned until 11:30. Had heartburn so I got up and had some milk. Went back to bed... couldn't get relaxed. Thought about getting up and watching TV or playing on the PS3, didn't do either. 1:00 came around and I was still awake... Chris was too... we opened the window and let the cold awesome air into the room... still awake at 2:30... The night air felt nice, but the light coming through yonder window sucked!! I think I managed to fall asleep around 3:30 or 4...
Uber strange thing - I'm not tired today.
Extra awesome weirdness... I'm not the only one at work today who didn't sleep well last night... I wonder if there is something in the Edmonton air last night??
Did you have trouble sleeping last night??
My hubby and I did... it was so weird! Went to bed at 10... tossed and turned until 11:30. Had heartburn so I got up and had some milk. Went back to bed... couldn't get relaxed. Thought about getting up and watching TV or playing on the PS3, didn't do either. 1:00 came around and I was still awake... Chris was too... we opened the window and let the cold awesome air into the room... still awake at 2:30... The night air felt nice, but the light coming through yonder window sucked!! I think I managed to fall asleep around 3:30 or 4...
Uber strange thing - I'm not tired today.
Extra awesome weirdness... I'm not the only one at work today who didn't sleep well last night... I wonder if there is something in the Edmonton air last night??
Totally Stuck in my Head!!
Some songs just stick in your head like peanut butter on the roof of your mouth. Here are some of the more sticky songs turned into YouTube videos!
awesome tire
Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway
Harry Potter and the mysterious ticking noise
Badger Song
Llama Song
Gummy Bear Song
Dramatic hamster
I hope at least one of these gets stuck in your head too!!
awesome tire
Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway
Harry Potter and the mysterious ticking noise
Badger Song
Llama Song
Gummy Bear Song
Dramatic hamster
I hope at least one of these gets stuck in your head too!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
So I haven't been posting too much lately... sorry about that... been a little busy planning our Cruise for September and travelling to Calgary and Linden...
Happy St. Patty's day everyone... did you remember to wear green? I did not... and have had several near misses with attempted pinchy pinchertons!!! LOL

Happy St. Patty's day everyone... did you remember to wear green? I did not... and have had several near misses with attempted pinchy pinchertons!!! LOL

I need everyone for this... oh wait... just not you...
I'm not a huge swearer... and usually never in print... but it has to be said... (sorry mom, I know you read this) but what happened today is total bull shit!
We watched a picture slideshow that was showing all of the people in our Division... it was really cool... they started with Calgary and showed pictures of all of the people there (some with funny captions) and then they moved on to Edmonton... I got so excited when our branch title came up on the screen... but they didn't have my picture... or anyone else's from our office... and they only showed a few people from our branch. I mean what's up with that??
I think if you are going to have a slideshow with pictures of people in the Division... you had better well make DARN sure to have EVERYBODY included... I mean really?? How insulting is that??? Oh... them? they're not important enough to be included in our slideshow... not even with a cheesy group shot.
Adding Insult to injury... when I said hello to our new (ish) Exec director today... he looked at me like "WHO ARE YOU?" he doesn't even know who I am... that really stung because He's been here like six months and he can't remember someone who has introduced herself a record of 4 times now????
Nice... Thanks for the effort... Bozo...
We watched a picture slideshow that was showing all of the people in our Division... it was really cool... they started with Calgary and showed pictures of all of the people there (some with funny captions) and then they moved on to Edmonton... I got so excited when our branch title came up on the screen... but they didn't have my picture... or anyone else's from our office... and they only showed a few people from our branch. I mean what's up with that??
I think if you are going to have a slideshow with pictures of people in the Division... you had better well make DARN sure to have EVERYBODY included... I mean really?? How insulting is that??? Oh... them? they're not important enough to be included in our slideshow... not even with a cheesy group shot.
Adding Insult to injury... when I said hello to our new (ish) Exec director today... he looked at me like "WHO ARE YOU?" he doesn't even know who I am... that really stung because He's been here like six months and he can't remember someone who has introduced herself a record of 4 times now????
Nice... Thanks for the effort... Bozo...
Awesomeness of Green Screen!
I found this awesome video... The weatherman is wearing a green tie... makes watching the weather report a lot more interesting.
Check it out here
Check it out here
This is beyond odd... normally I make a pretty good spaghetti... in fact... IT ROCKS! But last night I tried a new sauce in a jar - I didn't have time to make the sauce myself. The sauce was called Tomato Basil (the brand was Eating Right - safeway's healthy eating brand). It smelled very unlike any pasta sauce I've had before...
I sautee'd my onion, garlic, VE garlic pepper, VE Herb Garlic Sea Salt and ground turkey (I'm trying to stay away from too much red meat right now)... then I added the sauce which was a very bright red... it didn't look or smell right. I cut up the rest of some awesome polish sausage I got at the Farmer's market on the weekend and shoved that in there too... I finished cooking the pasta and drained it. Then I heated a little EVO and some garlic together and tossed the pasta in that... I find it gives it a nice garlic flavor and keeps the noodles from clumping together. I added the sauce and gave it a stir... it really needed something so I added some shredded cheese to the mix.
Well... it wasn't horrible... but it didn't ROCK either. I don't know what I should add to the other jar of this pasta sauce I have to make it better...
I think next time I will shred some carrot and cook that in the sauce as well.
I sautee'd my onion, garlic, VE garlic pepper, VE Herb Garlic Sea Salt and ground turkey (I'm trying to stay away from too much red meat right now)... then I added the sauce which was a very bright red... it didn't look or smell right. I cut up the rest of some awesome polish sausage I got at the Farmer's market on the weekend and shoved that in there too... I finished cooking the pasta and drained it. Then I heated a little EVO and some garlic together and tossed the pasta in that... I find it gives it a nice garlic flavor and keeps the noodles from clumping together. I added the sauce and gave it a stir... it really needed something so I added some shredded cheese to the mix.
Well... it wasn't horrible... but it didn't ROCK either. I don't know what I should add to the other jar of this pasta sauce I have to make it better...
I think next time I will shred some carrot and cook that in the sauce as well.
Happy Kittehz
The kitties have regressed into kittens again... they've been chasing each other and playing a lot more now that the baby gates are down. I'm glad to see Tigger acting so young again... I was really worried because he had been such a grumpy old man for over a year... I guess that's what happens when your teeth hurt all the time. Well he has six less teeth, but he's full of happy and playfulness!
The only downside to this is... when they decide to play at 2AM and thunder up and down the basement stairs, run across me in bed all while trying to pin the other down...
The only downside to this is... when they decide to play at 2AM and thunder up and down the basement stairs, run across me in bed all while trying to pin the other down...
I needed some cheering up so I went on to one of my favourite sites and found some funnies...

I saw this and I immediately thought of Gizmo... During Christmas when I was making cards and using glitter and making ornaments he would eat anything that landed on the floor... and he did have some funky sparkly poops afterwards... eww eh?

Last night was hard... coming home to a dogless house, no puppeh kisses. Upside... when I ran for the phone last night I didn't have to vault over a baby gate... I hope he's happy with Jean and Nate.
First Morning without Giz
Man this morning was sooooo weird! No Gizmo, no shredded pee pad, no whining until we get out of bed, no chasing the kitties, no cleaning up poop, no tossing him outside and watching him race around his track, no puppy kisses... I took the baby gate down last night and it felt so weird not to have to step over something to get into the living room.
The kitties don't know what to think... maybe they think Gizmo is at the vet or something? but they were awfully cuddly with me this morning, maybe they sense that I'm sad?
The kitties don't know what to think... maybe they think Gizmo is at the vet or something? but they were awfully cuddly with me this morning, maybe they sense that I'm sad?
Well I thought that we would be having our last night with Gizmo on Friday, but as it turns out we weren't able to drop him off until Sunday, so we had an extra night and day with Gizmo. I took him for a run around the snow track that Chris made for him and gave him a bath and trimmed his adorable little face. I laughed when he chased his tail and when he cornered Jade (they were playing - Jade is my little black kitty).
We drove down to Calgary on Sunday afternoon and met Jean and her husband in their home. They will be a good family for Gizmo, they are both retired and had lost their dog last summer. Gizmo looked a little confused, I guess he didn't understand when I told him that he had to stay with them and to be a good puppy for them.
I will miss him, but I love him enough to understand that this will be a better life for him than I could provide...
Jean promised to keep in touch and let us know how he is doing.
We drove down to Calgary on Sunday afternoon and met Jean and her husband in their home. They will be a good family for Gizmo, they are both retired and had lost their dog last summer. Gizmo looked a little confused, I guess he didn't understand when I told him that he had to stay with them and to be a good puppy for them.
I will miss him, but I love him enough to understand that this will be a better life for him than I could provide...
Jean promised to keep in touch and let us know how he is doing.
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