
Calamity Ensues...

Calamity ensues…

We’re passing Leduc when Chris says to me that he thinks he’s forgotten to pack the food box that I stayed up to pack last night… I ask if he packed the cooler and he says yes. I pull onto a range road so he can double check if the much needed box has been packed… It hasn’t… If I was mad before I was spitting mad now… If we were to go home and back it would add at least an hour to an already delayed trip, but I needed the stuff in that box!!! We went to the Safeway in Leduc – I was soooooo angry that we had to buy all of those groceries again that I couldn’t even look at Chris – I tried to remember everything I had put in the box as we were going down the aisles and then I remembered the muffins I had struggled so hard to make just perfectly the night before… I only just barely contained my tears – I’m not a very good baker, especially when it comes to muffins, and the ones I had made last night had been PERFECT! I told Chris to call my sister and let her know what happened and to apologize for the additional delay in my getting there… When we got to the till I pulled out my wallet and prepared to pay for the groceries but Chris wouldn’t let me pay, he said that it was his fault that we had to buy them again so he would pay for it. I took some Advil for the head splitting stress headache I was getting and we continued towards Red Deer and Linden beyond.

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