
Reno's and paint and Kitties... Oh My!!!

We've been working on finishing our spare room in the basement this past weekend and this week so that my parents will have a lovely place to sleep this weekend (my uncle will be in the computer room on our spare futon). The room had some water damage from before we moved in - and our landlady keeps saying she'll fix it etc... and that was ok when we were just using it as a storage room - but now its empty and I want to use it as a guest room! The carpet was disgusting, but luckily for us it was not glued down!!!!! We rolled it up and discovered rust and yellow stains and a little bit of mold. We cleaned the floor - and all of the mold is gone... but the ugly stains remain.

We got it in our heads that it would be easier to repaint the floor than to re-carpet the room, so off to Home Depot we run and we talk to the paint people, who tell us we need to prime the floor with a special primer and then 8-24 hours later we need to paint. We buy all of the supplies - including an awesome pole to go onto the roller so we don't have to paint on our knees!

I was really tired (and I admit - very very cranky) when we finally got home. My wonderful hubby (he really is so awesome) offers to prime the floor while I sort through my Stampin' Up! order - I think I almost cried when he offered this & he really is so good to me, even when I'm short with him...

Anyhoo... so he paints the room (he didn't paint himself in the corner either!! LOL) and comes up to tell me its done and that when I have a minute or two (I was in the middle of putting a stamp set together) that I should go down and take a look!!

I finished with the stamp set and went downstairs... I opened the door to the room a little bit (didn't want any kitties in there while the floor was wet) and the floor looks amazing! I of course tell my hubby this - and he beams back at me and proceeds to open the door all the way, so I can get the full effect of the new white floor... we were gazing around at the room and didn't notice that Tigger was in the basement - he ran into the room and almost all the way to the back wall - as soon as we noticed we started to yell for him to get out of the room, which he did really REALLY quickly... slipping and sliding but thankfully not falling down... Then because he's a cat and not a dog he didn't stop when we told him to... he ran across the basement and up the stairs and through the kitchen and hallway and hid under our bed.

Now to make this funnier for all those who don't know what my house is like - we have CARPET in our kitchen, hallway and bedroom - the rest of the house is laminate or hardwood or painted concrete.

We quickly closed the door to the spare room - Tiggers paw prints and skid marks will have to be covered by the paint tonight - and ran upstairs (Chris beat me in the foot race!!). I was laughing pretty hard because it was like we were in a Family Circus cartoon following the foot prints... except in this case it was paw prints!!

Poor Tigger - Chris got him out from under the bed and into the bathroom and we had to give his paws a very long bath!!! He kept looking at us and howling!! The paint mostly came off - it dried soooo quickly. but we got most of it.

Chris joked that at least it wasn't an Epic Fail for Tigger... when I asked what an Epic Fail would have been, he said that it would have been if he had slipped and fell on his side and then slipped and fell on the other side... I think we would have had to shave him...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Epic Fail => Devon Rex while fur grows back...