One day at work (M is our summer student) she asks me where to advertise something for sale... Naturally curious, I ask what it is, and she starts to tell me about the puppies that her mom's dog had in June... again I think to myself "man, I wish I could have a puppy". I tell M where to post on our inter-company free classified ads and which papers are reasonably priced and try and stop thinking about the puppies...
I couldn't stop thinking about the puppies...
So I went onto the company classified ads and take a look at the ad M has posted... sure enough, there are pictures... and as a huge softy I HAVE to look at them all! I open the pics and immediately one of the puppies draws my attention... I think it was love at first sight, but I tried to stop thinking about it - after all I had 2 cats at home and what would their reaction to a dog be??
Here is where I made my first mistake (although in the end its turned out to be a blessing)... I told M that I wish I could have a puppy... After that, almost everyday she asked me if I was sure I didn't want to take one... I told her that I wanted one but my hubby didn't think it would work with the cats and that he didn't think we could afford it.. M said she was sure she could get me a deal... Maybe my mom would be willing to take less money for one she said... Everyday she says stuff like this to me...
Second mistake (again turned out to be a wonderful thing)... I tell my hubby more about the puppies... at first he says we can't have a puppy, what about the cats?? I tell him that they were ok when his mom's little dog came for a visit... He says he'll think about it... sometimes that means no, but as with everything if its not 100% one way, there is a chance it'll go the other way, so I leave it alone for a bit...
One Sunday evening we're watching TV together and something came on that had puppies on it and I immediately start welling up at the eyes and making what my hubby says is my 'I want it' face... about 3 seconds later he's asking me... 'Can we afford a puppy' and of course I say yes, I tell him that I'll pay M's mom for the puppy and I'll buy all of the supplies out of my own paycheck...
I waited about a minute in silence (I think I may have been making the I want it face)... He caved... I was beyond excited and happy... I couldn't wait to tell M the next day.
Monday morning, M comes into my office... she does this everyday so we can catch up on what happened since we last saw each other... its fun - she's so awesomely animated and funny (even when she's cranky... she's still funny). She asks me if I've asked my hubby about taking a puppy... I tell her yes, but that he doesn't think we can afford the ad price... She says maybe her mom would give us a deal, so she calls her mom (she uses my office phone) - they talk and it comes down to a price I can afford... I tell her I want the puppy... She makes me call my hubby and make sure its ok... he says yes!
M and I start talking about what I need for the puppy and which one I want of the three that are left... I look at the pictures again, but I already know which puppy I want. We arrange plans to see all three puppies the next evening and I go on a little bit of a petstore shopping spree that day after work... got a huge kennel (well huge for a Shih Tzu puppy anyway), a couple beds (one is a tiger striped couch shaped one), toys, treats, leash and collar and the always necessary... Pee Pads!!!
The next evening we drive over to M's place and all three puppies are playing on the grass... they are all over us when we get near them and the one I fell in love with from his picture is even cuter in person... we play with the puppies for awhile and the I picked up the one I liked, my hubby picked up one of the others and M had the last one... all three puppies fell asleep in our arms...
I was hooked...
Hubby looked quite smitten too...
We thanked M and got in the car and I cuddled the puppy all the way home...

I've seen your 'I want it' face and it IS hard to resist! Besides you love babies and your cat babies have grown up and your human baby isn't here yet so of course you need a puppy baby. Anyone can understand that!
lol. i didn't realize how pushy i am lol :)
I am so glad we gave you a deal. After reading this, I almost feel like we should give you money!!!
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